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Docker minio container capable of importing files at boot time


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Docker MinIO

This is a simple docker image for running a MinIO server. It is based on alpine linux and uses the minio and minio-client packages from the alpine package repository.

The /scripts/ script is used to start the MinIO server. It is possible to configure the container to create and populate the new bucket at startup by setting the BUCKET_NAME environment variable.

Bucket initialization

The bucket initialization is processed only if the bucket does not exist or is empty. In any other case, the initialization is skipped. ATTENTION: when the MinIO filesystem is already present, the startup process takes care of checking that the BUCKET_NAME is configured accordingly with the final MinIO server configuration, performing the filesystem check (the BUCKET_NAME folder is present in the BUCKET_ROOT folder) and the MinIO client check (the mc ls ${MC_ALIAS}/${BUCKET_NAME} command does not return an error).

You can use two different methods to initialize the bucket: the FileSystem initialization and the Seed initialization. The two methods can be used together, and the Seed initialization is processed after the FileSystem initialization.

The order of the initialization is the following:

  1. The FileSystem initialization is processed first, so the entire MinIO filesystem structure is copied to the BUCKET_ROOT destination folder.
  2. The Seed initialization is processed starting from the archives, so the archives are extracted and the files are uploaded in the bucket defined by the BUCKET_NAME environment variable.
  3. The Seed initialization continues with the files, so the files in the INITFILES_DIR folder are uploaded in the bucket defined by the BUCKET_NAME environment variable.

If the versioning is enabled, the newer files will overwrite the older files, and the previous versions are preserved. See the Versioning enabled example for more details.

FileSystem initialization

If the INITFILESYSTEM_DIR path is not empty, the files in the folder are copied to the BUCKET_ROOT destination folder as a startup filesystem for the MinIO server. The folder must contain a valid MinIO filesystem structure. ATTENTION: when the INITFILESYSTEM_DIR is used, the startup process takes care of checking that the BUCKET_NAME is configured accordingly with the final MinIO server configuration, performing the filesystem check (the BUCKET_NAME folder is present in the BUCKET_ROOT folder) and the MinIO client check (the mc ls ${MC_ALIAS}/${BUCKET_NAME} command does not return an error).

Seed initialization

This initialization method is used to populate the bucket with seed archives and files. Both the archives and the files are processed at startup, and the resulting bucket content is the union of the archives and files content.

The archives are processed first, and then the files. So, if the file with the same name is present in one or more archives and in the INITFILES_DIR folder, the file in the INITFILES_DIR will overwrite the files in the archives. If the bucket has a versioning enabled, the previous versions of the files are preserved. See the Versioning enabled example for more details.

If the DO_NOT_PROCESS_INITFILES environment variable is set to 1, the seed archives and files are not processed at startup.

Process the seed archives

If the INITARCHIVES_DIR path is not empty, the archives in the folder are extracted in a temporary folder and all the resulting files and folders are uploaded in the bucket defined by the BUCKET_NAME environment variable using the MinIO client (mc cp --recursive). The archives are extracted and files are uploaded sequentially in the alphabetical order of the filenames, using the output of the ls -A ${INITARCHIVES_DIR} command. So, if the archives contain the same files, the last archive extracted will overwrite the files extracted by the previous archives. If the bucket has a versioning enabled, the previous versions of the files are preserved.

The supported archive formats are .zip, .tar, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2 and .tar.xz.

Process the seed files

If the INITFILES_DIR path is not empty, the files in the folder are uploaded in the bucket defined by the BUCKET_NAME environment variable using the MinIO client (mc cp --recursive). As for the archives, if the INITFILES_DIR contains files with the same name of one or more files already present in the bucket (processed by the INITARCHIVES_DIR), the files in the INITFILES_DIR will overwrite the files in the bucket. If the bucket has a versioning enabled, the previous versions of the files are preserved.

Versioning enabled example

To be more clear, here is an example of the initialization process if the versioning is enabled:

  1. The INITFILESYSTEM_DIR populates the bucket with these files:
    • file1.txt
    • file2.txt
  2. The INITARCHIVES_DIR contains the following archives:
    • with the files file2.txt, file3.txt
    • archive2.tar.xz with the files file3.txt and file4.txt
  3. The INITFILES_DIR contains the following files:
    • file3.txt
    • file4.txt
    • file5.txt

The resulting bucket content will be:

  • file1.txt:
    • single version, is the content of the INITFILESYSTEM_DIR MinIO filesystem structure.
  • file2.txt:
    • in the first version, is the content of the INITFILESYSTEM_DIR MinIO filesystem structure.
    • in the current version, is the content of the file.
  • file3.txt:
    • in the first version, is the content of the file.
    • in the second version, is the content of the archive2.tar.xz file.
    • in the current version, is the content of the INITFILES_DIR file.
  • file4.txt:
    • in the first version, is the content of the archive2.tar.xz file.
    • in the current version, is the content of the INITFILES_DIR file.
  • file5.txt:
    • single version, is the content of the INITFILES_DIR file.

Environment Variables

Variable Description Default
DEBUG If set to 1, the script prints the debug information. 0
BUCKET_NAME The name of the bucket to create and populate at startup. -
OSB_BUCKET Alternative way to configure the name of the bucket to create and populate at startup. If BUCKET_NAME is not set, this variable is used to configure it. -
BUCKET_ROOT The folder used by the MinIO server to store the files. /data
INITFILESYSTEM_DIR The folder where the root init filesystem is stored. If not empty, the files are copied to the BUCKET_ROOT folder. /docker-entrypoint-initfs.d
INITARCHIVES_DIR The folder where the seed archives are stored. /docker-entrypoint-initarchives.d
INITFILES_DIR The folder where the seed files are stored. /docker-entrypoint-initfiles.d
DO_NOT_PROCESS_INITFILES If set to 1, the seed archives and files are not processed at startup. 0
MINIO_ROOT_USER The access key used to authenticate with the MinIO server. -
OSB_ACCESS_KEY Alternative way to configure the access key used to authenticate with the MinIO server. If MINIO_ROOT_USER is not set, this variable is used to configure it. -
MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD The secret key used to authenticate with the MinIO server. -
OSB_SECRET_KEY Alternative way to configure the secret key used to authenticate with the MinIO server. If MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD is not set, this variable is used to configure it. -
MINIO_VERSION_ENABLED If set to 1, the MinIO version is enabled. 0
MINIO_OPTS Additional options to pass to the MinIO server. -
MINIO_BROWSER If set to on, the MinIO console is enabled. off
MINIO_CONSOLE_PORT The port used by the MinIO console. 9001
MC_ALIAS The alias used by the MinIO client. minio
MINIO_PROTO The protocol used to connect to the MinIO server. http
MINIO_HOST The host used to connect to the MinIO server. localhost
MINIO_PORT The port used to connect to the MinIO server. 9000

Deprecated Variables

The following variables are deprecated and will be removed. Use the new variables instead.

Variable Description
MINIO_ACCESS_KEY The access key used to authenticate with the MinIO server. Use MINIO_ROOT_USER instead.
MINIO_SECRET_KEY The secret key used to authenticate with the MinIO server. Use MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD instead.



Docker minio container capable of importing files at boot time







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