HSTCAL 2.7.4
HSTCAL Version 2.7.4
The following updates, specified in separate sections for each instrument, have been included with this release.
HSTCAL package updates
- ACS updated to Version 10.3.5
- Update to the cosmic ray rejection algorithm of CALACS as to the way the output ERR extension is computed for the CRJ/CRC file. The output ERR is now propagated from the usable input ERR extensions versus being computed by a model.
- Modified CALACS to ensure the ERR extension of the CRC/CRJ file is always a two-dimensional image, even if the entire image could be represented by a single value. This change was triggered by ACS Instrument Team testing and to avoid possible confusion by users.
[X] Affects old data
[X] Users should re-retrieve affected datasets from the archive
[] Updated reference files delivered by science team