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HSTCAL 2.7.2

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@mdlpstsci mdlpstsci released this 04 Aug 14:30

HSTCAL Version 2.7.2

The following updates, specified in separate sections for each instrument, have been included with this release. This release is presented as his release is presented as HSTDP-2021.3.3 milestones.

HSTCAL package updates


  • ACS updated to Version 10.3.3
    • Fixed a bug associated with the FLASHDUR computation. The FLASHDUR keyword has been updated in the CRJ/CRC headers to be the sum of the individual input images as this keyword is used in ACS2D to scale the flash reference file for flash correction.
    • Fixed a bug associated with the DARKTIME computation. Code written for CALACS 10.2.2 has been moved from ACS2D to ACSCCD so every BLV_TMP file has the correct DARKTIME keyword value. Also, the DARKTIME keyword has been updated in the CRJ/CRC headers to be the sum of the individual input images. Only the DARKTIME value in the input file header is used to scale the dark reference file for the dark correction.

[X] Affects old data
[X] Users should re-retrieve affected datasets from the archive
[] Updated reference files delivered by science team


  • WFC3 updated to Version 3.6.2
    • Fixed a bug to address calwf3 crashing (Abort trap: 6) when taking an existing *_ima.fits (IR) file (produced with FLATCORR=PERFORM and CRCORR=OMIT), resetting CRCORR to PERFORM, and executing calwf3 on the *_ima.fits file. This reentrant processing is fundamental to being able to remove the variable IR background during the course of an exposure. Essentially the problem was a "char" variable being declared too small to hold its largest possible contents. This update does NOT affect the calibration pipeline processing of data nor any data in the archive.

[] Affects old data
[] Users should re-retrieve affected datasets from the archive
[] Updated reference files delivered by science team