Drizzlepac v3.4.2
This release includes fixes for:
- MVM processing of SkyCells with non-overlapping exposures [#1360, #1359]
- ACS header keyword population based on header rules [#1332]
- Update crder units [#1362]
- Require Astropy v5.0.4 [#1335, #1347]
- Require fitsblender v0.4.2 to fix problems with headers [#1354]
- Avoid archiving duplicate WCS solutions in SVM processing [#1333]
- Clarify comment portion of FITS card for MEANWHT and MEDWHT. [#1349]
- Improve algorithm for identifying and filtering large segments [#1357]
- Carry over IDCSCALE keyword when updating WCS to match Grism WCS [#1355]
- Bug in deblending of big segments [#1365]
- Update the rules file to create properly updated headers for WFC3 data [#1366]
- Fix the size of the HAPEXPNAME column in the HDRTAB of the MVM output DRZ/DRZ file [#1371]