Expand and correct suite failures so all supported OSes are covered + split suites between Vagrant and Dokken
- Add missing supported OSes from the test matrix (Fixes: #194).
- Move all suites expect those that don't run as root back to dokken, as running as non-root fails in dokken.
- Add missing suites from the kitchen config to the matrix.
- Remove post_converge from the dokken config, as it's gone from the vagrant config.
- Ensure same platforms are listed in the dokken and vagrant kitchen configs.
- Sync up the suite names in ci workflow and suites (change _ to -).
- Correct test failure for server-runas-splunk where command failed due to permission error writing to /root/.splunk/.
Issues Resolved
That tests are carried out on more supported OSes (expect centos-6, as it's EoL on 2020-11-30).