Fixes Issue #185
a startup issue was resolved for SplunkForwarder installations with an improved
systemd unit file (fix below)
Adds Inspec tests to verify from SplunkForwarder starts (thanks, @jjm )
Fixes Issue #187
the systemd unit file is now relegated to the splunk enable boot-start
command to manage
Adds Inspec tests and sets the verifier in Test Kitchen for some test suites; some are still in serverspec
Render the user-seed.conf with a file resource rather than a template
The default recipe no longer includes the disable recipe; to disable splunk, add recipe[chef-splunk::disabled]
to a run list explicitly
Disabling splunk will no longer uninstall Splunk Enterprise nor the Splunk Universal Forwarder
Adds #SecretsHelper
to aid with secrets rotation and maintaining idempotency for handling Splunk's hashed secret values
Improved guards to prevent service[splunk]
restart/start when it should be disabled.
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