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Update cheta archive for TDB P015

Tom Aldcroft edited this page Mar 25, 2021 · 3 revisions

The TDB P015 update added three new MSIDs 1AHITMPF, 1OATMF, and 1OATMST.

In order to add these three MSIDs to your local cheta archive, do the following.


First make sure that your local archive is up to date by running the cheta_sync command. If you skip this step you will corrupt your archive.


Create a new file p015.txt with the following contents:


Because of an issue in the script for adding MSIDs, the following step is required. (The issue is fixed in PR # xx).

mv $SKA/data/eng_archive/data/acis3eng/colnames.pickle $SKA/data/eng_archive/data/acis3eng/colnames-bak.pkl
mv $SKA/data/eng_archive/data/pcad3eng/colnames.pickle $SKA/data/eng_archive/data/pcad3eng/colnames-bak.pkl
mv $SKA/data/eng_archive/data/pcad8eng/colnames.pickle $SKA/data/eng_archive/data/pcad8eng/colnames-bak.pkl

Now you can do the sync with one of the following:

cheta_sync --add-msids=p015.txt --server-data-root=<username>  # HEAD users
cheta_sync --add-msids=p015.txt --server-data-root=<username>@cheru  # GRETA users

You should see something that looks roughly like below, followed by a prompt to enter your password:

2021-03-24 07:04:57,795 Running cheta_update_client_archive version 4.52.0
2021-03-24 07:04:57,795   /Users/aldcroft/git/eng_archive/cheta/
2021-03-24 07:04:57,795 
2021-03-24 07:04:57,795 Updating client archive at /Users/aldcroft/ska/data/eng_archive
2021-03-24 07:04:57,795 Reading available cheta archive MSIDs from
2021-03-24 07:04:57,920 Reading cheta MSIDs list file
2021-03-24 07:04:57,923 Reading MSID specs from p015.txt
2021-03-24 07:04:57,923 Assembling list of MSIDs that match MSID specs
2021-03-24 07:04:57,930   Found 1 MSIDs for 1AHITMPF
2021-03-24 07:04:57,935   Found 1 MSIDs for 1OATMF
2021-03-24 07:04:57,941   Found 1 MSIDs for 1OATMST
2021-03-24 07:04:57,941   Found 3 matching MSIDs total

Assuming this runs successfully you can test with the following:

$ ipython
from cheta import fetch
for msid in ('1AHITMPF', '1OATMF', '1OATMST'):
    for stat in (None, '5min', 'daily'):
        dat = fetch.Msid(msid, '2021:080', '2021:085', stat=stat)
        print(msid, stat)

Assuming this worked, clean up the colnames files:

rm $SKA/data/eng_archive/data/acis3eng/colnames-bak.pkl
rm $SKA/data/eng_archive/data/pcad3eng/colnames-bak.pkl
rm $SKA/data/eng_archive/data/pcad8eng/colnames-bak.pkl