A collection of file upload components built on top of vuetify to allow drag and drop, normal file selection etc.
Checkout the demo
- Vuejs +v2.6.10
- Vuetify +v1.5.5 (not yet converted to v2.0)
Don't use just yet. We are still building!
You can get this as an NPM package in your app
npm install --save sopher-v-upload
Go to your
plugin file in your plugin folder (Vuetify is needed for this) and import and register some or all of the components from v-upload globally.import {VFileInput, VDragDropFileInput, VDropArea, VExcelFileUpload } from "v-upload"; Vue.use(Vuetify, { iconfont: "mdi" }); Vue.component("v-file-input", VFileInput); Vue.component("v-drag-drop-file-input", VDragDropFileInput); Vue.component("v-drop-area", VDropArea); Vue.component("v-excel-file-upload", VExcelFileUpload);
In any of your component templates, just use the
tags e.g.<v-file-input></v-file-input>
We have four components i.e. v-file-input
, v-drop-area
, v-excel-file-upload
and v-drag-drop-file-input
This is an input where a file can be selected that is to uploaded.
The v-file-input
receives props:
- value (or 'v-model' if you wish) (type: String)
- the name of the file (Default: '')
- label (type: String)
- label of the file input (Default: 'Upload')
- prepend-icon (type: String)
- icon to prepend to the file input. (Default: 'mdi-attachment')
- accept (type: String)
- the file types to be accepted by the file input. (Default: 'doc,docx,pdf')
The v-file-input
emits two major events.
- change
- This occurs when a file is uploaded and it avails the event object to the event handler
- input
- This occurs when the textfield value changes
This is the drop area where one can drag a file so as to upload it.
The v-drop-area
receives props:
- height-in-px (type: Number)
- the height of the drop area component. (Default: 200)
- drop-zone-text (type: String)
- the text that will be in the drop area. (Default: 'DROP FILE HERE')
- drop-zone-text-class (type: String)
- the CSS class to attach to the text in the drop area. (Default: '')
- drop-zone-class (type: String)
- the CSS class to attach to the drop area. (Default: '')
The v-drop-area
emits four major events.
- drop
- This occurs when the dragged element is dropped on the drop area. This avails the event object to the event handler.
- dragover
- This occurs when the dragged element is on top of the drop area. This avails the event object to the event handler.
- dragenter
- This occurs when the dragged element enters the drop area. This avails the event object to the event handler.
- dragleave
- This occurs when the dragged element leaves the drop area. This avails the event object to the event handler.
The v-drop-area
has one slot.
- drop-zone-text
- the custom text that will appear in the drop area
This combines the v-file-input
with the v-drop-area
The v-drag-drop-file-input
receives props:
- height-in-px (type: Number)
- the height of the drop area component. (Default: 200)
- drop-zone-text (type: String)
- the text that will be in the drop area. (Default: 'DROP FILE HERE')
- drop-zone-text-class (type: String)
- the CSS class to attach to the text in the drop area. (Default: '')
- drop-zone-class (type: String)
- the CSS class to attach to the drop area. (Default: '')
- value (or 'v-model' if you wish) (type: String)
- the name of the file (Default: '')
- label (type: String)
- label of the file input (Default: 'Upload')
- prepend-icon (type: String)
- icon to prepend to the file input. (Default: 'attach_file')
- accept (type: String)
- the file types to be accepted by the file input. (Default: 'doc,docx,pdf')
The v-drag-drop-file-input
emits two major events.
- drop
- This occurs when the dragged element is dropped on the drop area. This avails the event object to the event handler.
- dragover
- This occurs when the dragged element is on top of the drop area. This avails the event object to the event handler.
- dragenter
- This occurs when the dragged element enters the drop area. This avails the event object to the event handler.
- dragleave
- This occurs when the dragged element leaves the drop area. This avails the event object to the event handler.
- change
- This occurs when a file is uploaded and it avails the event object to the event handler
- input
- This occurs when the textfield value changes
The v-drag-drop-file-input
has two slots.
- drop-area
- the area where one can replace the default v-drop-area with say another drop-area
- file-input
- the area where one can replace the default v-drop-area with say another file-input
This allows upload by both drag and drop and file select.
The v-excel-file-upload
receives props:
- value (type: Object)
- the fileName and data (array of arrays) that is to be passed to the component. Keys of fileName, data are manadatory. (Default: {fileName: '', data: []})
The v-excel-file-upload
emits three major events.
- upload
- This occurs when the file is uploaded. It avails the data (array of arrays) to the event handler.
- input
- This occurs when the file is uploaded. It avails the object with fileName and data to the event handler.
- change
- This occurs when the file is uploaded. It avails the object with fileName and data to the event handler.
The v-excel-file-upload
has two slots.
- action-select-layout
- add v-flex components to be added to the layout of the v-excel-file-upload near the file-input
- action-btn-layout
- add v-flex components to be added to the layout of the v-excel-file-upload below the file-input
Vuetify is the component library this form is based on.
This post by Divyam Rastogi was very helpful when publishing to NPM.
Copyright (c) 2019 Martin Ahindura Licensed under the MIT License