Environment creation:
- installing anaconda on your machines
- go to terminal(mac) or anaconda prompt (Windows) and type: "conda create -n DIP python=3.7"(creates a virtual environemnt)
- You can activate and deactivate this using: source activate DIP (mac), conda activate DIP (Windows)
- install the libraries needed by: conda install pandas numpy scipy pillow matplotlib scikit-learn
- install pytorch based on your specs as: conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio -c pytorch(installs stable 1.8.1 for mac) (https://pytorch.org/) use this link to check according to you
- Run test.py using python test.py to check if everything runs perfectly.
- to deactivate run source deactivate (mac) or conda deactivate (Windows)
Everytime you make changes to anything: git add filename.ext(for all the file names) git commit -m "(Your message)" git push
to update the repo in case others have made any changes: git pull in case you run into errors (might have to search a bit, Idk what we are supposed to do !!)
Getting the data set off Kagel: https://www.kaggle.com/andrewmvd/face-mask-detection
go to the data section and download the data set as a zip file. U might have to unzip it using something and copy both the directories images and annotation into a new directory "dataset" inside the DIP-Final repo that you cloned. (do not add the dataset to the actual repository though)