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Update tethys version and add scala 3 support for tethys-json module.… #992

Update tethys version and add scala 3 support for tethys-json module.…

Update tethys version and add scala 3 support for tethys-json module.… #992

GitHub Actions / Test report for 3-JVM-21 succeeded Jun 4, 2024 in 0s

410 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped

Tests passed successfully

Report Passed Failed Skipped Time
server/netty-server/sync/target/jvm-3/test-reports/TEST-sttp.tapir.server.netty.sync.NettySyncServerTest.xml 219✅ 12s
server/nima-server/target/jvm-3/test-reports/TEST-sttp.tapir.server.nima.NimaServerTest.xml 191✅ 5s

✅ server/netty-server/sync/target/jvm-3/test-reports/TEST-sttp.tapir.server.netty.sync.NettySyncServerTest.xml

219 tests were completed in 12s with 219 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
sttp.tapir.server.netty.sync.NettySyncServerTest 219✅ 12s

✅ sttp.tapir.server.netty.sync.NettySyncServerTest

✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /auth auth(api key, via {header X-Api-Key}), in: -, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /auth auth(api key, via {header X-Api-Key}), in: ?amount, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /auth auth(api key, via ?api-key), in: -, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /auth auth(Basic http, via {header Authorization}), in: -, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /auth auth(Bearer http, via {header Authorization}), in: -, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /auth auth(Basic http, via {header Authorization}), in: -, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) In security Option[UsernamePassword] should let in basic auth as well as request without auth
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /auth auth(Basic http, via {header Authorization}) auth(Bearer http, via {header Authorization}), in: -, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) In security (Option[UsernamePassword], Option[String]) should pass bearer auth, basic auth, and also request without auth
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(Basic http, via {header Authorization}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) correct basic
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(Bearer http, via {header Authorization}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) correct bearer
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(Bearer http, via {header Authorization}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) correct lower case bearer
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(api key, via ?token), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) correct apiKey in query param
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(api key, via {header x-api-key}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) correct apiKey in header
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(api key, via {header token-old}) auth(api key, via {header token-new}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) correct old token in header
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(api key, via {header token-old}) auth(api key, via {header token-new}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) correct new token in header
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(Basic http, via {header Authorization}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) missing basic
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(Bearer http, via {header Authorization}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) missing bearer
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(Bearer http, via {header Authorization}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) missing lower case bearer
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(api key, via ?token), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) missing apiKey in query param
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(api key, via {header x-api-key}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) missing apiKey in header
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(api key, via {header token-old}) auth(api key, via {header token-new}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) missing old token in header
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(api key, via {header token-old}) auth(api key, via {header token-new}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) missing new token in header
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(Basic http, via {header Authorization}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) missing basic with endpoint hiding
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(Bearer http, via {header Authorization}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) missing bearer with endpoint hiding
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(Bearer http, via {header Authorization}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) missing lower case bearer with endpoint hiding
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(api key, via ?token), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) missing apiKey in query param with endpoint hiding
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(api key, via {header x-api-key}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) missing apiKey in header with endpoint hiding
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(api key, via {header token-old}) auth(api key, via {header token-new}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) missing old token in header with endpoint hiding
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(api key, via {header token-old}) auth(api key, via {header token-new}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) missing new token in header with endpoint hiding
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(Basic http, via {header Authorization}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) invalid request basic
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(Bearer http, via {header Authorization}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) invalid request bearer
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(Bearer http, via {header Authorization}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) invalid request lower case bearer
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(api key, via ?token), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) invalid request apiKey in query param
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(api key, via {header x-api-key}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) invalid request apiKey in header
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(api key, via {header token-old}) auth(api key, via {header token-new}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) invalid request old token in header
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(api key, via {header token-old}) auth(api key, via {header token-new}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) invalid request new token in header
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(Basic http, via {header Authorization}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) invalid request basic with endpoint hiding
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(Bearer http, via {header Authorization}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) invalid request bearer with endpoint hiding
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(Bearer http, via {header Authorization}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) invalid request lower case bearer with endpoint hiding
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(api key, via ?token), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) invalid request apiKey in query param with endpoint hiding
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(api key, via {header x-api-key}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) invalid request apiKey in header with endpoint hiding
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(api key, via {header token-old}) auth(api key, via {header token-new}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) invalid request old token in header with endpoint hiding
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(api key, via {header token-old}) auth(api key, via {header token-new}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) invalid request new token in header with endpoint hiding
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: ?fruit, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: ?fruit, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) with URL encoding
✅ ServerEndpoint[infallible](securityin: -, in: ?fruit, errout: void, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: ?fruit ?amount, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: {header X-Role}, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: /fruit /[] /amount /[], errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: /fruit /[] /amount /[], errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) with URL encoding
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /api /[], errout: -, out: -) Empty path should not be passed to path capture decoding
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: /in /[] /[], errout: -, out: {header a} {header b}) capturing two path parameters with the same specification
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) with get method
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: {header SomeHeader} /[], errout: -, out: {header IntHeader} {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) Header input before path capture input
✅ ServerEndpoint[echo json](securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {body as application/json (UTF-8)}, errout: -, out: {body as application/json (UTF-8)})
✅ ServerEndpoint[echo json](securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {body as application/json (UTF-8)}, errout: -, out: {body as application/json (UTF-8)}) with accept header
✅ ServerEndpoint[echo json](securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {body as application/json (UTF-8)}, errout: -, out: {body as application/json (UTF-8)}) content type
✅ ServerEndpoint[echo byte array](securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {body as application/octet-stream}, errout: -, out: {body as application/octet-stream})
✅ ServerEndpoint[echo byte buffer](securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {body as application/octet-stream}, errout: -, out: {body as application/octet-stream})
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: /api /unit, errout: -, out: {body as application/json (UTF-8)}) unit json mapper
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: /api, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) default status mapper
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: /api, errout: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}, out: -) default error status mapper
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {body as application/x-www-form-urlencoded (UTF-8)}, errout: -, out: {body as application/x-www-form-urlencoded (UTF-8)})
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /api /echo /params ?*, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /[pathParam] ?*, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /api /echo /params ?*, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) should support value-less query param
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /api /echo /headers {multiple headers}, errout: -, out: {multiple headers})
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /*, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /*, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) paths should match empty path
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: ?fruit, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) invalid query parameter
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /api /echo /param-to-header ?qq, errout: -, out: {header hh})
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /api /echo /headers {header Cookie}, errout: -, out: {header Set-Cookie})
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: /cookies-test GET, errout: -, out: {header Set-Cookie}) should not fold multiple Set-Cookie headers
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: GET / ?q, errout: -, out: {header Set-Cookie} {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) should be invulnerable to response splitting from unsanitized headers
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /api /echo /headers {header Set-Cookie}, errout: -, out: {header Set-Cookie})
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: /api /echo {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)} {header Content-Type}) dynamic content type
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: /api /echo {header Content-Type}, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {header Content-Type: application/json}, errout: -, out: -) mismatch content-type
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {header Content-Type: application/json}, errout: -, out: -) missing content-type
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {header Content-Type}, errout: -, out: -) mismatch content-type
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {header Content-Type}, errout: -, out: -) missing content-type
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: /api /echo, errout: -, out: {body as text/html (UTF-8)})
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: -, errout: -, out: status code (308) {header Location})
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: -, errout: -, out: {header Location: Poland})
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {body as application/json (UTF-8)}, errout: -, out: {body as application/json (UTF-8)})
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: ?fruit, errout: -, out: status code - possible codes (Map())) custom status code
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: {data from request}, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: ?fruit, errout: -, out: status code - possible codes (Map()))
✅ ServerEndpoint[Query with default](securityin: -, in: ?p1, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: /api {header Content-Type: multipart/form-data}, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) fixed multipart/form-data header input should ignore boundary directive
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: ?kind, errout: -, out: {header Content-Type})
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: ?kind, errout: -, out: {header Content-Type} {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {body as application/json (UTF-8)}, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: GET ?flag, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: ?fruit, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) should contain the content-length header
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: -, errout: -, out: -) GET empty endpoint
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: -, errout: -, out: -) POST empty endpoint
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: -, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)} {header Content-Type: text/csv}) Fixed content-type header
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: GET, errout: -, out: -) GET a GET endpoint
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: GET, errout: -, out: -) POST a GET endpoint
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: -, errout: -, out: -) no path should match anything
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /, errout: -, out: -) root path should not match non-root path
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /, errout: -, out: -) root path should match empty path
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /, errout: -, out: -) root path should match root path
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /api, errout: -, out: -) single path should match single path
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /api, errout: -, out: -) single path should match single/ path
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /api /[] /and /*, errout: -, out: {header IntPath} {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) Capturing paths after path capture
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /api /[] /and /*, errout: -, out: {header IntPath} {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) Capturing paths after path capture (when empty)
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /api, errout: -, out: -) single path should not match root path
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /api, errout: -, out: -) single path should not match larger path
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /auth, in: /settings, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /auth, in: -, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ two endpoints with increasingly specific path inputs: should match path exactly
✅ two endpoints with a body defined as the first input: should only consume body when the path matches
✅ two endpoints with query defined as the first input, path segments as second input: should try the second endpoint if the path doesn't match
✅ two endpoints with increasingly specific path inputs, first with a required query parameter: should match path exactly
✅ two endpoints with validation: should not try the second one if validation fails
✅ endpoint with a security input and regular path input shouldn't shadow other endpoints
✅ two endpoints, same path prefix, one without trailing slashes, second accepting trailing slashes
✅ try other paths on decode failure if onDecodeFailureNextEndpoint
✅ two endpoints with different methods, first one with path parsing
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /customer /[customer_id] /orders /[order_id], errout: -, out: -) Returns 400 if path 'shape' matches, but failed to parse a path parameter, using a custom decode failure handler
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /customer /[customer_id] /orders /[order_id], errout: -, out: -) Returns 404 if path 'shape' doesn't match
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /customer /[customer_id], errout: -, out: -) Returns 400 if path 'shape' matches, but failed to parse a path parameter
✅ Tries next endpoint if path 'shape' matches, but validation fails, using .onDecodeFailureNextEndpoint
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: ?x, in: ?y, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) server security logic - one input
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: ?x ?y, in: ?z ?u, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) server security logic - multiple inputs
✅ ServerEndpoint[echo input stream](securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {body as application/octet-stream}, errout: -, out: {body as application/octet-stream})
✅ ServerEndpoint[input string output stream with header](securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}, errout: -, out: {body as application/octet-stream} {header Content-Length})
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) checks payload limit and returns 413 on exceeded max content length (request)
✅ ServerEndpoint[echo byte array](securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {body as application/octet-stream}, errout: -, out: {body as application/octet-stream}) checks payload limit and returns 413 on exceeded max content length (request)
✅ ServerEndpoint[echo file](securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {body as application/octet-stream}, errout: -, out: {body as application/octet-stream}) checks payload limit and returns 413 on exceeded max content length (request)
✅ ServerEndpoint[echo input stream](securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {body as application/octet-stream}, errout: -, out: {body as application/octet-stream}) checks payload limit and returns 413 on exceeded max content length (request)
✅ ServerEndpoint[echo byte buffer](securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {body as application/octet-stream}, errout: -, out: {body as application/octet-stream}) checks payload limit and returns 413 on exceeded max content length (request)
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) checks payload limit and returns OK on content length  below or equal max (request)
✅ ServerEndpoint[echo input stream](securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {body as application/octet-stream}, errout: -, out: {body as application/octet-stream}) checks payload limit and returns OK on content length  below or equal max (request)
✅ ServerEndpoint[echo byte array](securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {body as application/octet-stream}, errout: -, out: {body as application/octet-stream}) checks payload limit and returns OK on content length  below or equal max (request)
✅ ServerEndpoint[echo file](securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {body as application/octet-stream}, errout: -, out: {body as application/octet-stream}) checks payload limit and returns OK on content length  below or equal max (request)
✅ ServerEndpoint[echo byte buffer](securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {body as application/octet-stream}, errout: -, out: {body as application/octet-stream}) checks payload limit and returns OK on content length  below or equal max (request)
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: -, errout: -, out: -) handle exceptions
✅ recover errors from exceptions
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /content-negotiation /organization {header Accept}, errout: -, out: one of(status code (200) {body as application/json (UTF-8)}|status code (200) {body as application/xml (UTF-8)}|status code (200) {body as text/html (UTF-8)}|status code (200) {body as text/html (ISO-8859-1)}))
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /content-negotiation /organization, errout: -, out: one of(status code (200) {body as application/json (UTF-8)}|status code (200) {body as application/xml (UTF-8)})) takes first content type when no accepts header
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /content-negotiation /organization, errout: -, out: one of(status code (200) {body as application/xml (UTF-8)}|status code (200) {body as application/json (UTF-8)})) takes first content type when no accepts header
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /, errout: -, out: -) accepts header without output body
✅ ServerEndpoint[echo byte array](securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {body as application/octet-stream}, errout: -, out: {body as application/octet-stream}) not take into account the accept charset header when the body media type doesn't specify one
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /content-negotiation /organization-parameters, errout: -, out: one of({body as application/json (UTF-8)}|{body as application/json; name=unknown (UTF-8)})) matches content type on accept parameters
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /content-negotiation /multipart-mixed multipart/mixed -> {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ ServerEndpoint[echo file](securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {body as application/octet-stream}, errout: -, out: {body as application/octet-stream})
✅ ServerEndpoint[mapped query](securityin: -, in: ?fruit, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ ServerEndpoint[mapped path](securityin: -, in: /fruit /[], errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ ServerEndpoint[mapped path path](securityin: -, in: /fruit /[] /amount /[], errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ ServerEndpoint[query and mapped path path](securityin: -, in: /fruit /[] /amount /[] ?color, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ ServerEndpoint[out mapped](securityin: -, in: ?fruit, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ ServerEndpoint[out mapped](securityin: -, in: ?fruit, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)} {header X-Role})
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: {header A: 1} {header X}, errout: -, out: {header B: 2} {header Y})
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: ?a ?b ?x ?y, errout: -, out: {header A} {header B} {header X} {header Y})
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: ?p1 ?p2 ?p3, errout: -, out: {header P1} {header P2} {header P3})
✅ ServerEndpoint[mapped to unit](securityin: -, in: ?p1 ?p2, errout: -, out: {header P1} {header P2})
✅ ServerEndpoint[metrics](securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {body as application/json (UTF-8)}, errout: -, out: {body as application/json (UTF-8)})
✅ ServerEndpoint[metrics](securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {body as application/octet-stream}, errout: -, out: {body as application/octet-stream})
✅ ServerEndpoint[metrics](securityin: -, in: GET /, errout: -, out: -)
✅ ServerEndpoint[metrics on exception](securityin: -, in: GET /, errout: -, out: -)
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: ?fruit, errout: -, out: one of(status code (202) {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}|status code (200) {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}))
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: /mapping ?num, errout: -, out: one of(status code (202) {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}|status code (200) {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}))
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: ?fruit, errout: -, out: one of(status code (202)|status code (200) {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}))
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /entity /[type], errout: -, out: one of(status code (201) {body as application/json (UTF-8)}|{body as application/json (UTF-8)}))
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: ?fruit, errout: -, out: one of(status code (204)|status code (202) {body as application/json (UTF-8)}|status code (200) {body as application/json (UTF-8)}))
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: ?fruit, errout: {body as application/json (UTF-8)}, out: -)
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: {header token}, in: ?y, errout: {body as application/json (UTF-8)}, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) security error outputs extended with additional variants in main logic
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: /status ?statusOut, errout: -, out: one of(status code (404)|status code (400) {body as application/json (UTF-8)}))
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: /test, errout: one of(status code (409) {body as application/json (UTF-8)}|status code (404) {body as application/json (UTF-8)}|status code (500) {body as application/json (UTF-8)}), out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) .errorOutVariantsPrepend variant takes precedence over devault .errorOut variant
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: /test, errout: one of(status code (400) {body as application/json (UTF-8)}|one of(status code (409) {body as application/json (UTF-8)}|status code (404) {body as application/json (UTF-8)}|status code (500) {body as application/json (UTF-8)})), out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) multiple .errorOutVariantsPrepend variants are executed in right order (a stack)
✅ given a list of endpoints, should return 405 for unsupported methods
✅ given a list of endpoints with different paths, should return 405 for unsupported methods
✅ given a list of endpoints and a customized reject handler, should return a custom response for unsupported methods
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: /path, errout: -, out: -) should return 404 for an unknown endpoint
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /path, errout: -, out: -) should return 404 for an unsupported method, when a single endpoint is interpreted
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: ?fruit(~apple|banana), errout: -, out: -) support query validation with tagged type
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: ?amount(>=0), errout: -, out: -) support query validation
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: {body as application/json (UTF-8)}(fruit->(length>=4),amount->(>=1)), errout: -, out: -) support jsonBody validation with wrapped type
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: ?amount(>=1), errout: -, out: -) support query validation with wrapper type
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: {body as application/json (UTF-8)}(fruits->(size>=1,elements(fruit->(length>=4),amount->(>=1)))), errout: -, out: -) support jsonBody validation with list of wrapped type
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: POST one of({body as application/json (UTF-8)}|{body as application/xml (UTF-8)}|{body as text/plain (UTF-8)}), errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: POST one of({body as application/json (UTF-8)}|text/* -> {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}), errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: POST {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}, errout: -, out: one of({body as application/json (UTF-8)}|{body as application/xml (UTF-8)}|{body as text/plain (UTF-8)}))
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: OPTIONS /path, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) CORS with default config; valid preflight request
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: OPTIONS /path, errout: -, out: -) CORS with specific allowed origin, method, headers, allowed credentials and max age; preflight request with matching origin, method and headers
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: OPTIONS /path, errout: -, out: -) CORS with multiple allowed origins, method, headers, allowed credentials and max age; preflight request with matching origin, method and headers
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: OPTIONS /path, errout: -, out: -) CORS with specific allowed origin; preflight request with unsupported origin
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: OPTIONS /path, errout: -, out: -) CORS with multiple allowed origins; preflight request with unsupported origin
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: OPTIONS /path, errout: -, out: -) CORS with specific allowed method; preflight request with unsupported method
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: OPTIONS /path, errout: -, out: -) CORS with specific allowed headers; preflight request with unsupported header
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: OPTIONS /path, errout: -, out: -) CORS with reflected allowed headers; preflight request
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: OPTIONS /path, errout: -, out: -) CORS with custom response code for preflight requests; valid preflight request
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: OPTIONS /path, errout: -, out: -) CORS with default config; preflight request without Origin (non-CORS)
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /path, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) CORS with default config; valid CORS request
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /path, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) CORS with custom allowed origin, allowed credentials and exposed headers; valid CORS request
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /path, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) CORS with all headers exposed; valid CORS request
✅ returns tapir-generated 404 when defaultHandlers(notFoundWhenRejected = true) is used
✅ Log events with provided functions, skipping certain endpoints
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: -, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) Server waits for long-running request to complete within timeout
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: -, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) Server rejects requests with 503 during shutdown
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: -, errout: -, out: {body as web socket}) string client-terminated echo
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: /elsewhere, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) WS handshake to a non-existing endpoint
✅ ServerEndpoint[metrics](securityin: -, in: -, errout: -, out: {body as web socket})
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: -, errout: -, out: {body as web socket}) json client-terminated echo
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: -, errout: -, out: {body as web socket}) string server-terminated echo
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: -, errout: -, out: {body as web socket}) pong on ping
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: -, errout: -, out: {body as web socket}) empty client stream
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: ?securityToken, errout: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}, out: {body as web socket}) switch to WS after a normal HTTP request
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: ?securityToken, errout: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}, out: {body as web socket}) reject WS handshake, then accept a corrected one
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: -, errout: -, out: {body as web socket}) auto ping
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: -, errout: -, out: {body as web socket}) failing pipe
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: -, errout: -, out: {body as web socket}) not pong on ping if disabled
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: -, errout: -, out: {body as web socket}) not ignore pong
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: -, errout: -, out: {body as web socket}) concatenate fragmented text frames
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: -, errout: -, out: {body as web socket}) concatenate fragmented binary frames
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: -, errout: -, out: {body as web socket}) closes supervision scope when client closes Web Socket without getting any responses

✅ server/nima-server/target/jvm-3/test-reports/TEST-sttp.tapir.server.nima.NimaServerTest.xml

191 tests were completed in 5s with 191 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
sttp.tapir.server.nima.NimaServerTest 191✅ 5s

✅ sttp.tapir.server.nima.NimaServerTest

✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: ?fruit, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: ?fruit, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) with URL encoding
✅ Endpoint[infallible](securityin: -, in: ?fruit, errout: void, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: ?fruit ?amount, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: {header X-Role}, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: /fruit /[] /amount /[], errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: /fruit /[] /amount /[], errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) with URL encoding
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /api /[], errout: -, out: -) Empty path should not be passed to path capture decoding
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: /in /[] /[], errout: -, out: {header a} {header b}) capturing two path parameters with the same specification
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) with get method
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: {header SomeHeader} /[], errout: -, out: {header IntHeader} {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) Header input before path capture input
✅ Endpoint[echo json](securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {body as application/json (UTF-8)}, errout: -, out: {body as application/json (UTF-8)})
✅ Endpoint[echo json](securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {body as application/json (UTF-8)}, errout: -, out: {body as application/json (UTF-8)}) with accept header
✅ Endpoint[echo json](securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {body as application/json (UTF-8)}, errout: -, out: {body as application/json (UTF-8)}) content type
✅ Endpoint[echo byte array](securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {body as application/octet-stream}, errout: -, out: {body as application/octet-stream})
✅ Endpoint[echo byte buffer](securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {body as application/octet-stream}, errout: -, out: {body as application/octet-stream})
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: /api /unit, errout: -, out: {body as application/json (UTF-8)}) unit json mapper
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: /api, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) default status mapper
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: /api, errout: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}, out: -) default error status mapper
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {body as application/x-www-form-urlencoded (UTF-8)}, errout: -, out: {body as application/x-www-form-urlencoded (UTF-8)})
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /api /echo /params ?*, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /[pathParam] ?*, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /api /echo /params ?*, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) should support value-less query param
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /api /echo /headers {multiple headers}, errout: -, out: {multiple headers})
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /*, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /*, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) paths should match empty path
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: ?fruit, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) invalid query parameter
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /api /echo /param-to-header ?qq, errout: -, out: {header hh})
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /api /echo /headers {header Cookie}, errout: -, out: {header Set-Cookie})
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: /cookies-test GET, errout: -, out: {header Set-Cookie}) should not fold multiple Set-Cookie headers
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: GET / ?q, errout: -, out: {header Set-Cookie} {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) should be invulnerable to response splitting from unsanitized headers
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /api /echo /headers {header Set-Cookie}, errout: -, out: {header Set-Cookie})
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: /api /echo {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)} {header Content-Type}) dynamic content type
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: /api /echo {header Content-Type}, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {header Content-Type: application/json}, errout: -, out: -) mismatch content-type
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {header Content-Type: application/json}, errout: -, out: -) missing content-type
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {header Content-Type}, errout: -, out: -) mismatch content-type
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {header Content-Type}, errout: -, out: -) missing content-type
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: /api /echo, errout: -, out: {body as text/html (UTF-8)})
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: -, errout: -, out: status code (308) {header Location})
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: -, errout: -, out: {header Location: Poland})
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {body as application/json (UTF-8)}, errout: -, out: {body as application/json (UTF-8)})
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: ?fruit, errout: -, out: status code - possible codes (Map())) custom status code
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: {data from request}, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: ?fruit, errout: -, out: status code - possible codes (Map()))
✅ Endpoint[Query with default](securityin: -, in: ?p1, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: /api {header Content-Type: multipart/form-data}, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) fixed multipart/form-data header input should ignore boundary directive
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: ?kind, errout: -, out: {header Content-Type})
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: ?kind, errout: -, out: {header Content-Type} {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {body as application/json (UTF-8)}, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: GET ?flag, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: ?fruit, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) should contain the content-length header
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: -, errout: -, out: -) GET empty endpoint
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: -, errout: -, out: -) POST empty endpoint
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: -, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)} {header Content-Type: text/csv}) Fixed content-type header
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: GET, errout: -, out: -) GET a GET endpoint
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: GET, errout: -, out: -) POST a GET endpoint
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: -, errout: -, out: -) no path should match anything
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /, errout: -, out: -) root path should not match non-root path
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /, errout: -, out: -) root path should match empty path
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /, errout: -, out: -) root path should match root path
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /api, errout: -, out: -) single path should match single path
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /api, errout: -, out: -) single path should match single/ path
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /api /[] /and /*, errout: -, out: {header IntPath} {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) Capturing paths after path capture
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /api /[] /and /*, errout: -, out: {header IntPath} {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) Capturing paths after path capture (when empty)
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /api, errout: -, out: -) single path should not match root path
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /api, errout: -, out: -) single path should not match larger path
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /auth, in: /settings, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /auth, in: -, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ two endpoints with increasingly specific path inputs: should match path exactly
✅ two endpoints with a body defined as the first input: should only consume body when the path matches
✅ two endpoints with query defined as the first input, path segments as second input: should try the second endpoint if the path doesn't match
✅ two endpoints with increasingly specific path inputs, first with a required query parameter: should match path exactly
✅ two endpoints with validation: should not try the second one if validation fails
✅ endpoint with a security input and regular path input shouldn't shadow other endpoints
✅ two endpoints, same path prefix, one without trailing slashes, second accepting trailing slashes
✅ try other paths on decode failure if onDecodeFailureNextEndpoint
✅ two endpoints with different methods, first one with path parsing
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /customer /[customer_id] /orders /[order_id], errout: -, out: -) Returns 400 if path 'shape' matches, but failed to parse a path parameter, using a custom decode failure handler
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /customer /[customer_id] /orders /[order_id], errout: -, out: -) Returns 404 if path 'shape' doesn't match
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /customer /[customer_id], errout: -, out: -) Returns 400 if path 'shape' matches, but failed to parse a path parameter
✅ Tries next endpoint if path 'shape' matches, but validation fails, using .onDecodeFailureNextEndpoint
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: ?x, in: ?y, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) server security logic - one input
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: ?x ?y, in: ?z ?u, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) server security logic - multiple inputs
✅ Endpoint[echo input stream](securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {body as application/octet-stream}, errout: -, out: {body as application/octet-stream})
✅ Endpoint[input string output stream with header](securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}, errout: -, out: {body as application/octet-stream} {header Content-Length})
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: -, errout: -, out: -) handle exceptions
✅ recover errors from exceptions
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /auth auth(api key, via {header X-Api-Key}), in: -, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /auth auth(api key, via {header X-Api-Key}), in: ?amount, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /auth auth(api key, via ?api-key), in: -, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /auth auth(Basic http, via {header Authorization}), in: -, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /auth auth(Bearer http, via {header Authorization}), in: -, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /auth auth(Basic http, via {header Authorization}), in: -, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) In security Option[UsernamePassword] should let in basic auth as well as request without auth
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /auth auth(Basic http, via {header Authorization}) auth(Bearer http, via {header Authorization}), in: -, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) In security (Option[UsernamePassword], Option[String]) should pass bearer auth, basic auth, and also request without auth
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(Basic http, via {header Authorization}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) correct basic
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(Bearer http, via {header Authorization}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) correct bearer
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(Bearer http, via {header Authorization}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) correct lower case bearer
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(api key, via ?token), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) correct apiKey in query param
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(api key, via {header x-api-key}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) correct apiKey in header
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(api key, via {header token-old}) auth(api key, via {header token-new}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) correct old token in header
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(api key, via {header token-old}) auth(api key, via {header token-new}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) correct new token in header
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(Basic http, via {header Authorization}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) missing basic
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(Bearer http, via {header Authorization}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) missing bearer
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(Bearer http, via {header Authorization}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) missing lower case bearer
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(api key, via ?token), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) missing apiKey in query param
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(api key, via {header x-api-key}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) missing apiKey in header
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(api key, via {header token-old}) auth(api key, via {header token-new}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) missing old token in header
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(api key, via {header token-old}) auth(api key, via {header token-new}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) missing new token in header
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(Basic http, via {header Authorization}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) missing basic with endpoint hiding
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(Bearer http, via {header Authorization}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) missing bearer with endpoint hiding
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(Bearer http, via {header Authorization}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) missing lower case bearer with endpoint hiding
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(api key, via ?token), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) missing apiKey in query param with endpoint hiding
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(api key, via {header x-api-key}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) missing apiKey in header with endpoint hiding
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(api key, via {header token-old}) auth(api key, via {header token-new}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) missing old token in header with endpoint hiding
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(api key, via {header token-old}) auth(api key, via {header token-new}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) missing new token in header with endpoint hiding
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(Basic http, via {header Authorization}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) invalid request basic
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(Bearer http, via {header Authorization}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) invalid request bearer
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(Bearer http, via {header Authorization}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) invalid request lower case bearer
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(api key, via ?token), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) invalid request apiKey in query param
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(api key, via {header x-api-key}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) invalid request apiKey in header
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(api key, via {header token-old}) auth(api key, via {header token-new}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) invalid request old token in header
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(api key, via {header token-old}) auth(api key, via {header token-new}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) invalid request new token in header
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(Basic http, via {header Authorization}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) invalid request basic with endpoint hiding
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(Bearer http, via {header Authorization}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) invalid request bearer with endpoint hiding
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(Bearer http, via {header Authorization}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) invalid request lower case bearer with endpoint hiding
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(api key, via ?token), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) invalid request apiKey in query param with endpoint hiding
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(api key, via {header x-api-key}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) invalid request apiKey in header with endpoint hiding
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(api key, via {header token-old}) auth(api key, via {header token-new}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) invalid request old token in header with endpoint hiding
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: /secret /[id] auth(api key, via {header token-old}) auth(api key, via {header token-new}), in: POST ?q, errout: -, out: -) invalid request new token in header with endpoint hiding
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /content-negotiation /organization {header Accept}, errout: -, out: one of(status code (200) {body as application/json (UTF-8)}|status code (200) {body as application/xml (UTF-8)}|status code (200) {body as text/html (UTF-8)}|status code (200) {body as text/html (ISO-8859-1)}))
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /content-negotiation /organization, errout: -, out: one of(status code (200) {body as application/json (UTF-8)}|status code (200) {body as application/xml (UTF-8)})) takes first content type when no accepts header
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /content-negotiation /organization, errout: -, out: one of(status code (200) {body as application/xml (UTF-8)}|status code (200) {body as application/json (UTF-8)})) takes first content type when no accepts header
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /, errout: -, out: -) accepts header without output body
✅ Endpoint[echo byte array](securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {body as application/octet-stream}, errout: -, out: {body as application/octet-stream}) not take into account the accept charset header when the body media type doesn't specify one
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /content-negotiation /organization-parameters, errout: -, out: one of({body as application/json (UTF-8)}|{body as application/json; name=unknown (UTF-8)})) matches content type on accept parameters
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /content-negotiation /multipart-mixed multipart/mixed -> {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ Endpoint[echo file](securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {body as application/octet-stream}, errout: -, out: {body as application/octet-stream})
✅ Endpoint[mapped query](securityin: -, in: ?fruit, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ Endpoint[mapped path](securityin: -, in: /fruit /[], errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ Endpoint[mapped path path](securityin: -, in: /fruit /[] /amount /[], errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ Endpoint[query and mapped path path](securityin: -, in: /fruit /[] /amount /[] ?color, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ Endpoint[out mapped](securityin: -, in: ?fruit, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ Endpoint[out mapped](securityin: -, in: ?fruit, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)} {header X-Role})
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: {header A: 1} {header X}, errout: -, out: {header B: 2} {header Y})
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: ?a ?b ?x ?y, errout: -, out: {header A} {header B} {header X} {header Y})
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: ?p1 ?p2 ?p3, errout: -, out: {header P1} {header P2} {header P3})
✅ Endpoint[mapped to unit](securityin: -, in: ?p1 ?p2, errout: -, out: {header P1} {header P2})
✅ Endpoint[metrics](securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {body as application/json (UTF-8)}, errout: -, out: {body as application/json (UTF-8)})
✅ Endpoint[metrics](securityin: -, in: POST /api /echo {body as application/octet-stream}, errout: -, out: {body as application/octet-stream})
✅ Endpoint[metrics](securityin: -, in: GET /, errout: -, out: -)
✅ Endpoint[metrics on exception](securityin: -, in: GET /, errout: -, out: -)
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: ?fruit, errout: -, out: one of(status code (202) {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}|status code (200) {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}))
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: /mapping ?num, errout: -, out: one of(status code (202) {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}|status code (200) {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}))
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: ?fruit, errout: -, out: one of(status code (202)|status code (200) {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}))
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /entity /[type], errout: -, out: one of(status code (201) {body as application/json (UTF-8)}|{body as application/json (UTF-8)}))
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: ?fruit, errout: -, out: one of(status code (204)|status code (202) {body as application/json (UTF-8)}|status code (200) {body as application/json (UTF-8)}))
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: ?fruit, errout: {body as application/json (UTF-8)}, out: -)
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: {header token}, in: ?y, errout: {body as application/json (UTF-8)}, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) security error outputs extended with additional variants in main logic
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: /status ?statusOut, errout: -, out: one of(status code (404)|status code (400) {body as application/json (UTF-8)}))
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: /test, errout: one of(status code (409) {body as application/json (UTF-8)}|status code (404) {body as application/json (UTF-8)}|status code (500) {body as application/json (UTF-8)}), out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) .errorOutVariantsPrepend variant takes precedence over devault .errorOut variant
✅ ServerEndpoint(securityin: -, in: /test, errout: one of(status code (400) {body as application/json (UTF-8)}|one of(status code (409) {body as application/json (UTF-8)}|status code (404) {body as application/json (UTF-8)}|status code (500) {body as application/json (UTF-8)})), out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) multiple .errorOutVariantsPrepend variants are executed in right order (a stack)
✅ given a list of endpoints, should return 405 for unsupported methods
✅ given a list of endpoints with different paths, should return 405 for unsupported methods
✅ given a list of endpoints and a customized reject handler, should return a custom response for unsupported methods
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: /path, errout: -, out: -) should return 404 for an unknown endpoint
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /path, errout: -, out: -) should return 404 for an unsupported method, when a single endpoint is interpreted
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: ?fruit(~apple|banana), errout: -, out: -) support query validation with tagged type
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: ?amount(>=0), errout: -, out: -) support query validation
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: {body as application/json (UTF-8)}(fruit->(length>=4),amount->(>=1)), errout: -, out: -) support jsonBody validation with wrapped type
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: ?amount(>=1), errout: -, out: -) support query validation with wrapper type
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: {body as application/json (UTF-8)}(fruits->(size>=1,elements(fruit->(length>=4),amount->(>=1)))), errout: -, out: -) support jsonBody validation with list of wrapped type
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: POST one of({body as application/json (UTF-8)}|{body as application/xml (UTF-8)}|{body as text/plain (UTF-8)}), errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: POST one of({body as application/json (UTF-8)}|text/* -> {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}), errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)})
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: POST {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}, errout: -, out: one of({body as application/json (UTF-8)}|{body as application/xml (UTF-8)}|{body as text/plain (UTF-8)}))
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: OPTIONS /path, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) CORS with default config; valid preflight request
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: OPTIONS /path, errout: -, out: -) CORS with specific allowed origin, method, headers, allowed credentials and max age; preflight request with matching origin, method and headers
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: OPTIONS /path, errout: -, out: -) CORS with multiple allowed origins, method, headers, allowed credentials and max age; preflight request with matching origin, method and headers
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: OPTIONS /path, errout: -, out: -) CORS with specific allowed origin; preflight request with unsupported origin
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: OPTIONS /path, errout: -, out: -) CORS with multiple allowed origins; preflight request with unsupported origin
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: OPTIONS /path, errout: -, out: -) CORS with specific allowed method; preflight request with unsupported method
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: OPTIONS /path, errout: -, out: -) CORS with specific allowed headers; preflight request with unsupported header
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: OPTIONS /path, errout: -, out: -) CORS with reflected allowed headers; preflight request
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: OPTIONS /path, errout: -, out: -) CORS with custom response code for preflight requests; valid preflight request
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: OPTIONS /path, errout: -, out: -) CORS with default config; preflight request without Origin (non-CORS)
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /path, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) CORS with default config; valid CORS request
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /path, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) CORS with custom allowed origin, allowed credentials and exposed headers; valid CORS request
✅ Endpoint(securityin: -, in: GET /path, errout: -, out: {body as text/plain (UTF-8)}) CORS with all headers exposed; valid CORS request
✅ returns tapir-generated 404 when defaultHandlers(notFoundWhenRejected = true) is used
✅ Log events with provided functions, skipping certain endpoints