An App that will bring your handwriting into internet world.
It's a playground for text recognition using machine learning & Flutter.
- BLoC & Provider - for business logic & dependency injection.
- Camera - live camera feed & data source for machine learning process.
- ML Kit Vision - machine learning kit that contains among others OCR.
- Internationalization and localization - for App hardcoded text to be localized.
- Native Device Orientation - allow to determinate correct image rotation based on device sensors. Which is needed for ML Kit to work properly.
- Share - to allow recognized text to be shared through other Apps.
- Moor - persistent storage on top of sqlite.
During development there were none iOS configuration done for project dependencies.
So be aware that currently project can have issues with compiling for iOS.
This will be addressed later down the line.
To see current state please refer to issue #9 iOS dependecies setup
PR with required changes are welcome.
To add new text & it's translations please add appropriate getter to
file in same manner that is currently done for title.
Then run from app's root directory following command:
flutter pub run intl_translation:extract_to_arb --output-dir=lib/l10n lib/translations.dart
This should result in update to template file called intl_messages.arb
Based on this file create new intl_*.arb
files or update already existing ones.
When done run following command to generate appropriate *.dart
flutter pub run intl_translation:generate_from_arb --output-dir=lib/l10n --no-use-deferred-loading lib/translations.dart lib/l10n/intl_*.arb
Since ML Kit Vision is a Firebase library App has corresponding App in Firebase console.
For security reasons google-services.json
file is excluded from this repo.
If you need access to that file get in touch via Issues
Or create new project using instruction placed here
File google-services.json
should be placed in Android app
If there is a need to add new table go to lib/persistence_storage/databse.dart
Please add table & dao class. Once you define table add it's class to tables
array in annotation for Database
class. Do same for dao.
After that you should run
flutter packages pub run build_runner build
in CLI to generate code or
just run flutter packages pub run build_runner watch
to auto generate it
on every save.