The social sharing buttons that aren’t shabby
Install via npm:
npm install ilyabirman-likely
Install via bower:
bower install ilyabirman-likely
Or download this repository and move files release/likely.js
to desired directory.
First, make sure that you install webpack's json-loader.
Next install likely via npm.
Then, initiate Likely:
// on document ready or in the end
Instruction for using with webpack provided by @Corey-Maler.
After you've installed Likely, you need to setup Likely. First, you need to include compiled sources.
With bower:
<!-- Head -->
<link href="bower_components/Likely/release/likely.css"
<!-- End of body -->
<script src="bower_components/Likely/release/likely.js"
With npm:
<!-- Head -->
<link href="node_modules/ilyabirman-likely/release/likely.css"
<!-- End of body -->
<script src="node_modules/ilyabirman-likely/release/likely.js"
Or just include files named likely.css
and likely.js
Then you'll need to create HTML container with likely
class and list desired
social networks in child divs:
<div class="likely">
<div class="facebook">Share</div>
<div class="twitter">Tweet</div>
<div class="gplus">+1</div>
<div class="vkontakte">Share</div>
<div class="pinterest">Pin</div>
<div class="odnoklassniki">Share</div>
Likely supports following social networks:
– Facebooktwitter
– Twittergplus
- Google+vkontakte
– VKpinterest
– Pinterestodnoklassniki
– Odnoklassniki
Also, you can have several Likely button sets on the page. Just create another container and set needed options.
You can set some options on Likely button set via data-*
– URL to share and load counters fordata-title
– Page title
There's also social network specific options.
You can set data-via
attribute on Twitter button to insert username mention
of this user:
<div class="twitter" data-via="ilyabirman">Tweet</div>
You can set data-media
attribute include some media file to share on pinterest.
It is suppose to be a URL to media file:
<div class="pinterest" data-media="">Pin</div>
You can see Likely in action on its homepage.