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OpenSDS Controller Project Roadmap

Leon Wang edited this page Dec 28, 2017 · 4 revisions

This is the roadmap to be discussed for the OpenSDS Controller Project. Currently, this project is in alpha stage, and this roadmap indicates our destination to publish a productizable release.

Project Scopes

These are some initial scopes that illustrate the destination of this project.

Block Storage Service

  • Profile
  • ProfileExtraSpec
  • Pool
  • Backend
  • Volume (encryption, thin-provision, extend, shrink, clone, dedupe, compress, iops, bandwidth etc)
  • VolumeMetadata
  • Attachment
  • Snapshot
  • VolumeGroup
  • SnapshotGroup
  • Replication
  • Migration
  • Backup

File Share Service

  • Profile
  • ProfileExtraSpec
  • Pool
  • Backend
  • Share (multi-protocol, thin-provision, extend, shrink, clone, dedupe, compress, iops, bandwidth etc)
  • ShareMetadata
  • ShareAccess
  • Snapshot
  • SnapshotGroup
  • Replication
  • Migration
  • Backup

Object Storage Service

  • Container
  • Account
  • Object


  • Capacity Usage (Volume, Share, Pool, Profile)
  • Health Status (Volume, Attachment, Share, ShareAccess, Snapshot, Group, Pool, Replication, Migration, Backup)
  • IOPS, Bandwidth (Volume, Share)

Zealand Release (Q4.2017)

  • API Framework
  • Controller Framework
  • Dock Framework
  • Orchestration Workflow
  • gPRC Messaging
  • CLI tool
  • Volume Resourse Management
  • Volume Attachment Management
  • Volume Snapshot Management
  • Volume Southbound Drivers (LVM, Cinder, Ceph)

Aruba Release (H1.2018)

The features list is under discussion:

  • Volume Replication Service (array-based, host-based)
  • Groups (snapshots, replication)
  • Storage Profiles
  • Enumeration
  • Block Storage Drivers (Huawei Dorado, IBM XIV, etc)

Bali Release

The features list is under discussion:

  • Data Migration Service (offline, online)
  • Monitoring
  • S3 Support
  • SB Swordfish
  • Analytics
  • Lifecycle
  • Protection