Plotting scripts for HGCal
To compile: type make
To run ./FillHistograms --in_directory inputdirectory --out_directory outputdirectory --max_events 10000
can be local or remote (searches for ntuple_i.root
, where i is a number).
is an optional variable
The code works by defining 'Histogram sets' - i.e. a set of histograms for a given study.
The histogram sets you choose are currently chosen in the Constructor function at the top of src/HGCPlotting.cxx
Define a new histogram set in the LoadHistoTemplates
function in src/Histogramming.cxx
The histograms are filled in the FillAllHists
The histograms can be filled directly with variables from the input tree, or with custom variables defined in the function CalculateTriggerCellVariables
and saved into the _event_variables
More functions can be added for specific calculations.
- The branches/leaves of the input ntuple you want to analyse are turned on or off using
. A minimal number are turned on by default for speed purposes.