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snowleopard committed Mar 7, 2019
1 parent 19f1c97 commit 982d98c
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Showing 18 changed files with 707 additions and 1,440 deletions.
111 changes: 111 additions & 0 deletions examples/Build.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds, DeriveFunctor, FlexibleInstances, GADTs, RankNTypes #-}
module Build where

import Control.Selective
import Control.Selective.Free.Rigid

-- See Section 3 of the paper:

-- | Selective build tasks.
-- See "Build Systems à la Carte":
newtype Task k v = Task { run :: forall f. Selective f => (k -> f v) -> f v }

-- | Selective build scripts.
type Script k v = k -> Maybe (Task k v)

-- | Build dependencies with over-appriximation.
dependenciesOver :: Task k v -> [k]
dependenciesOver task = getOver $ run task (\k -> Over [k])

-- | Build dependencies with under-appriximation.
dependenciesUnder :: Task k v -> [k]
dependenciesUnder task = getUnder $ run task (\k -> Under [k])

-- | A build script with a static dependency cycle, which always resolves into
-- an acyclic dependency graph in runtime.
-- @
-- 'dependenciesOver' ('fromJust' $ 'cyclic' "B1") == ["C1","B2","A2"]
-- 'dependenciesOver' ('fromJust' $ 'cyclic' "B2") == ["C1","A1","B1"]
-- 'dependenciesUnder' ('fromJust' $ 'cyclic' "B1") == ["C1"]
-- 'dependenciesUnder' ('fromJust' $ 'cyclic' "B2") == ["C1"]
-- @
cyclic :: Script String Integer
cyclic "B1" = Just $ Task $ \fetch -> ifS ((1==) <$> fetch "C1") (fetch "B2") (fetch "A2")
cyclic "B2" = Just $ Task $ \fetch -> ifS ((1==) <$> fetch "C1") (fetch "A1") (fetch "B1")
cyclic _ = Nothing

-- | A build task demonstrating the use of 'bindS'.
-- @
-- 'dependenciesOver' 'taskBind' == ["A1","A2","C5","C6","D5","D6"]
-- 'dependenciesUnder' 'taskBind' == ["A1"]
-- @
taskBind :: Task String Integer
taskBind = Task $ \fetch -> (odd <$> fetch "A1") `bindS` \x ->
(odd <$> fetch "A2") `bindS` \y ->
let c = if x then "C" else "D"
n = if y then "5" else "6"
in fetch (c ++ n)

data Key = A Int | B Int | C Int Int deriving (Eq, Show)

editDistance :: Script Key Int
editDistance (C i 0) = Just $ Task $ const $ pure i
editDistance (C 0 j) = Just $ Task $ const $ pure j
editDistance (C i j) = Just $ Task $ \fetch ->
((==) <$> fetch (A i) <*> fetch (B j)) `bindS` \equals ->
if equals
then fetch (C (i - 1) (j - 1))
else (\insert delete replace -> 1 + minimum [insert, delete, replace])
<$> fetch (C i (j - 1))
<*> fetch (C (i - 1) j )
<*> fetch (C (i - 1) (j - 1))
editDistance _ = Nothing

-- | Example from the paper: a mock for the @tar@ archiving utility.
tar :: Applicative f => [f String] -> f String
tar xs = concat <$> sequenceA xs

-- | Example from the paper: a mock for the configuration parser.
parse :: Functor f => f String -> f Bool
parse = fmap null

-- | Example from the paper: a mock for the OCaml compiler parser.
compile :: Applicative f => [f String] -> f String
compile xs = concat <$> sequenceA xs

-- | Example from the paper.
script :: Script FilePath String
script "release.tar" = Just $ Task $ \fetch -> tar [fetch "LICENSE", fetch "exe"]
script "exe" = Just $ Task $ \fetch ->
let src = fetch ""
cfg = fetch "config"
libc = fetch "lib.c"
libml = fetch ""
in compile [src, ifS (parse cfg) libc libml]
script _ = Nothing

--------------------------------- Free example ---------------------------------

-- | Base functor for a free build system.
data Fetch k v a = Fetch k (v -> a) deriving Functor

instance Eq k => Eq (Fetch k v ()) where
Fetch x _ == Fetch y _ = (x == y)

instance Show k => Show (Fetch k v a) where
show (Fetch k _) = "Fetch " ++ show k

-- | A convenient alias.
fetch :: k -> Select (Fetch k v) v
fetch key = liftSelect $ Fetch key id

-- | Analyse a build task via free selective functors.
-- @
-- runBuild (fromJust $ cyclic "B1") == [Fetch "C1" (const ()),Fetch "B2",Fetch "A2"]
-- @
runBuild :: Task k v -> [Fetch k v ()]
runBuild task = getEffects (run task fetch)
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion src/Control/Selective/Parser.hs → examples/Parser.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds, DeriveFunctor, GADTs, RankNTypes #-}
module Control.Selective.Parser where
module Parser where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Selective

-- See Section 7.2 of the paper:

newtype Parser a = Parser { parse :: String -> [(a, String)] }

instance Functor Parser where
Expand Down
237 changes: 237 additions & 0 deletions examples/Processor.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds, DeriveFunctor, FlexibleContexts, GADTs #-}
module Processor where

import Control.Selective
import Control.Selective.Free.Rigid
import Data.Functor
import Data.Int (Int16)
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import Prelude hiding (read)

import qualified Control.Monad.State as S
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map

-- See Section 5.3 of the paper:
-- Note that we have changed the naming.

-- | Hijack @mtl@'s 'MonadState' constraint to include Selective.
type MonadState s m = (Selective m, S.MonadState s m)

-- | Convert a 'Bool' to @0@ or @1@.
fromBool :: Num a => Bool -> a
fromBool True = 1
fromBool False = 0

-------- Types -----------------------------------------------------------------

-- | All values are signed 16-bit words.
type Value = Int16

-- | The processor has four registers.
data Reg = R1 | R2 | R3 | R4 deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

r0, r1, r2, r3 :: Key
r0 = Reg R1
r1 = Reg R2
r2 = Reg R3
r3 = Reg R4

-- | The register bank maps registers to values.
type RegisterBank = Map Reg Value

-- | The address space is indexed by one byte.
type Address = Word8

-- | The memory maps addresses to signed 16-bit words.
type Memory = Map.Map Address Value

-- | The processor has two status flags.
data Flag = Zero -- ^ tracks if the result of the last arithmetical operation was zero
| Overflow -- ^ tracks integer overflow
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

-- | A flag assignment.
type Flags = Map.Map Flag Value

-- | Address in the program memory.
type InstructionAddress = Value

-- | The complete processor state.
data State = State { registers :: RegisterBank
, memory :: Memory
, pc :: InstructionAddress
, flags :: Flags }

-- | Various elements of the processor state.
data Key = Reg Reg | Cell Address | Flag Flag | PC deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | The base functor for mutable processor state.
data RW a = R Key (Value -> a)
| W Key (Program Value) (Value -> a)
deriving Functor

-- | A program is a free selective on top of the 'RW' base functor.
type Program a = Select RW a

instance Show a => Show (RW a) where
show (R k _) = "Read " ++ show k
show (W k (Pure v) _) = "Write " ++ show k ++ " " ++ show v
show (W k _ _) = "Write " ++ show k

-- | Interpret the base functor in a 'MonadState'.
toState :: MonadState State m => RW a -> m a
toState (R k t) = t <$> case k of
Reg r -> (Map.! r ) <$> S.gets registers
Cell addr -> (Map.! addr) <$> S.gets memory
Flag f -> (Map.! f ) <$> S.gets flags
PC -> pc <$> S.get
toState (W k p t) = case k of
Reg r -> do v <- runSelect toState p
let regs' s = Map.insert r v (registers s)
S.state (\s -> (t v, s {registers = regs' s}))
Cell addr -> do v <- runSelect toState p
let mem' s = Map.insert addr v (memory s)
S.state (\s -> (t v, s {memory = mem' s}))
Flag f -> do v <- runSelect toState p
let flags' s = Map.insert f v (flags s)
S.state (\s -> (t v, s {flags = flags' s}))
PC -> error "toState: Can't write the Program Counter (PC)"

-- | Interpret a program as a state trasformer.
runProgramState :: Program a -> State -> (a, State)
runProgramState f = S.runState (runSelect toState f)

-- | Interpret the base functor in the selective functor 'Over'.
toOver :: RW a -> Over [RW ()] b
toOver (R k _ ) = Over [void $ R k (const ())]
toOver (W k fv _) = void (runSelect toOver fv) *> Over [W k fv (const ())]

-- | Get all possible program effects.
getProgramEffects :: Program a -> [RW ()]
getProgramEffects = getOver . runSelect toOver

-- | A convenient alias for reading an element of the processor state.
read :: Key -> Program Value
read k = liftSelect (R k id)

-- | A convenient alias for writing into an element of the processor state.
write :: Key -> Program Value -> Program Value
write k fv = fv *> liftSelect (W k fv id)

-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -------- Instructions ----------------------------------------------------------
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- Add -----

-- | Read the values @x@ and @y@ and write the sum into @z@. If the sum is zero,
-- set the 'Zero' flag, otherwise reset it.
-- This implementation looks intuitive, but is incorrect, since the two write
-- operations are independent and the effects required for computing the sum,
-- i.e. @read x <*> read y@ will be executed twice. Consequently:
-- * the value written into @z@ is not guaranteed to be the same as the one
-- which was compared to zero,
-- * the static analysis of the computations would report more dependencies
-- than one might expect.
addNaive :: Key -> Key -> Key -> Program Value
addNaive x y z =
let sum = (+) <$> read x <*> read y
isZero = (==0) <$> sum
in write (Flag Zero) (ifS isZero (pure 1) (pure 0)) *> write z sum

-- | This implementation of addition executes the effects associated with 'sum'
-- only once and then reuses it without triggering the effects again.
add :: Key -> Key -> Key -> Program Value
add x y z =
let sum = (+) <$> read x <*> read y
isZero = (==0) <$> write z sum
in write (Flag Zero) (fromBool <$> isZero)

-- jumpZero -----
jumpZero :: Value -> Program ()
jumpZero offset =
let pc = read PC
zeroSet = (==1) <$> read (Flag Zero)
modifyPC = void $ write PC ((+offset) <$> pc)
in whenS zeroSet modifyPC

-- Add with overflow tracking -----

{- The following example demonstrates how important it is to be aware of your
Problem: implement the semantics of the @add@ instruction which calculates
the sum of two values and writes it to the specified destination, updates
the 'Zero' flag if the result is zero, and also detects if integer overflow
has occurred, updating the 'Overflow' flag accordingly.
We'll take a look at two approaches that implement this semantics and see
the crucial deference between them.

-- | Add two values and detect integer overflow.
-- The interesting bit here is the call to the 'willOverflowPure' function.
-- Since the function is pure, the call @willOverflowPure <$> arg1 <*> arg2@
-- triggers only one 'read' of @arg1@ and @arg2@, even though we use the
-- variables many times in the 'willOverflowPure' implementation. Thus,
-- 'willOverflowPure' might be thought as an atomic processor microcommand.
addOverflow :: Key -> Key -> Key -> Program Value
addOverflow x y z =
let arg1 = read x
arg2 = read y
result = (+) <$> arg1 <*> arg2
isZero = (==0) <$> write z result
overflow = willOverflowPure <$> arg1 <*> arg2
in write (Flag Zero) (fromBool <$> isZero) *>
write (Flag Overflow) (fromBool <$> overflow)

-- | A pure check for integer overflow during addition.
willOverflowPure :: Value -> Value -> Bool
willOverflowPure x y =
let o1 = (>) y 0
o2 = (>) x((-) maxBound y)
o3 = (<) y 0
o4 = (<) x((-) minBound y)
in (||) ((&&) o1 o2)
((&&) o3 o4)

-- | Add two values and detect integer overflow.
-- In this implementations we take a different approach and, when implementing
-- overflow detection, lift all the pure operations into 'Applicative'. This
-- forces the semantics to read the input variables more times than
-- 'addOverflow' does (@x@ is read 3x times, and @y@ is read 5x times).
-- It is not clear at the moment what to do with this. Should we just avoid this
-- style? Or could it sometimes be useful?
addOverflowNaive :: Key -> Key -> Key -> Program Value
addOverflowNaive x y z =
let arg1 = read x
arg2 = read y
result = (+) <$> arg1 <*> arg2
isZero = (==0) <$> write z result
overflow = willOverflow arg1 arg2
in write (Flag Zero) (fromBool <$> isZero) *>
write (Flag Overflow) (fromBool <$> overflow)

-- | An 'Applicative' check for integer overflow during addition.
willOverflow :: Program Value -> Program Value -> Program Bool
willOverflow arg1 arg2 =
let o1 = (>) <$> arg2 <*> pure 0
o2 = (>) <$> arg1 <*> ((-) <$> pure maxBound <*> arg2)
o3 = (<) <$> arg2 <*> pure 0
o4 = (<) <$> arg1 <*> ((-) <$> pure minBound <*> arg2)
in (||) <$> ((&&) <$> o1 <*> o2)
<*> ((&&) <$> o3 <*> o4)

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