just build something lab.
To become a coder, you need to create more than a bunch of solutions to problems with a Lab(s).
You need to create something, either in a group or as an individual.
This JustCode project should have several phases. As you complete each phase, you need to make sure you have tests, demos, and a little documentation about the Project (and the phase you just completed).
- Decide on Project
- One of the projs below, or your own ideas.
- Begin “back end” biz logic
- In Java, UML and so one, Model the data the app needs to handle
- Decide on business logic (how to manage and move data)
- Build lots of unit tests to show the code is working
- Add Text/Console interface
- create a simple terminal I/O (console) interface to the business logic classes.
- use this to decide ona few Use Cases (what a user can do with/in your app)
- Implement SQL db
- using an ORM or JPA (look it up!) start saving your obejcts to either Postgres or MySQL.
- … simmer
- Add GUI (Web/Angular/Typescript) “front end”
- Be sure to think SOLID, Clean adnd Agile.
- Text Adventure Game
- March Madness bracket manager
- A "YouAreEll" client/server Clone
- Catalog/ShoppingCart
- InventorySystem w BarCodes (like)
- A (stock) Market Info Display
- A pro sports dashboard
- A pandemic simulation system
Register your ideas with Kris, outlining the project idea and the members of the team. schedule a quick meeting him to launch the project.
Be thoughtful about when you think you can hit certain milestones (phases from the protocol above.)