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Snippets Highlight file format

prudnikov edited this page Feb 15, 2011 · 3 revisions

Highlight file is a valid XML document in a UTF-8 encoding with an extension .snippetshl and having the following format:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

Snippets has support for the following keys:

  • Label — the value should be unique for each highlight. In other words, this is identifier of the highlight. For example:
  • Name — the value should represent a display name for application UI.
  • Extension — the value must be a file extension (without leading dot) for exporting the snippet of the given highlight. For example, "cpp".
  • Case-insensitive — the value should indicate if highlight is case-insensitive or not. Define <true/> for highlights with case-insensitive identifiers and <false/> for highlights with case-sensitive identifiers. This key is optional and equal to <false/> by default. For example:
  • Line — the value is a dictionary of attributes for such one-line entities as single-line comments and directives.

  • Multiline — the value is a dictionary of attribues for such multi-line entities as multi-line comments and strings.

  • Identifier — the value is a dictionary of special words that will be highlighted in the Editor.

Dictionaries for keys Line, Multiline and Identifier should have the following format:


You can define the following keys in the Line dictionary:

  • Directives — the value is an array of dictionaries in format
	<key>Start String</key>

where START_STRING is a start of directive line within a source code. For example:

	<key>Start String</key>
  • Comments — the value is an array of dictionaries in format
	<key>Start String</key>

where START_STRING is a start of comment line within a source code. For example:

	<key>Start String</key>

You can define the following attributes in the Multiline dictionary:

  • Strings — the value is an array of dictionaries in format
	<key>Start String</key>
	<key>End String</key>

where START_STRING is a start of a string within a source code, END_STRING is an end of a string in the source code. For example:

		<key>Start String</key>
		<key>End String</key>
  • Comments — the value is an array of dictionaries in format
	<key>Start String</key>
	<key>End String</key>

where START_STRING is a start of a multi-line comment within a source code, END_STRING is an end of a multi-line comment in the source code. For example:

		<key>Start String</key>
		<key>End String</key>

You can define the following attributes in the Identifier dictionary:

  • Keywords — the value is an array of strings in format <string>KEYWORD</string> where KEYWORD is a keyword for the given highlight. For example:
  • Custom Identifiers — the value is an array of strings in format <string>IDENTIFIER</string> where IDENTIFIER is an identifier that will be highlighted slightly different than keywords. For example:
<key>Custom Identifiers</key>