mediawiki_client has been superseded by PyWiki.
Stop reading this and go to
I'm leaving this repo here for historical reasons.
This is very simple terminal interface (TUI) for managing personal mediawiki installation.
I have a mediawiki installation on personal server for storing various notes, ranging from family addresses to code snippets, configuration files and commands I rarely use and can't remember.
While standard web-interface is functional, you have to launch a browser and it takes numerous clicks to find anything. I find it much more convenient to use go my_commands or search IP as shown below:
# install twill from the official source. Version in debian/ubuntu repo is broken. New version in pip is buggy.
pip install
# install mediawiki_client
cd mediawiki_client
python install
cat ~/.config/wiki_client.conf
# This is the only required config directive, all the others are optional.
# force an editor. Otherwise your default editor will be used.
# I use vim, but you can use gedit or "gvim --nofork" or whatever you like.
# This is only required if you want to edit articles as a logged in user. (You have to create an account first)
# This is only required if your wiki installation is behind an additional HTTP auth.
HTTP_AUTH_USERNAME: httpauth_user
HTTP_AUTH_PASSWORD: httpauth_password
# If you want to have less messages in the interactive mode.
VERBOSE: false
MOst common use case is to open specific article for editing or viewing
$ wiki_client my_article
Ar this point article "my_article" will be opened in your text editor. If article doesn't exits, it will be created.
wiki_client [go] <article_name>
wiki_client [go] <article_name> < stdin_file.txt
wiki_client append <article_name> <text>
wiki_client upload <filepath> [<alt_filename>]
wiki_client --help
This goes to interactive mode:
$ wiki_client
Wiki command: go my_commands
Opening "my_commands" # at this point your default editor is opened with the content of "my_commands"
Saving "my_commands"
$ wiki_client
Wiki command: /IP # this is shortcut for "search IP"
Searching for "IP"
1: Sysadmin tools
nmap -sT -PN -n -sV -p- # scan the shit out of this IP == ip configuration ==
2: Kzk notes
select ip , count( ip ) as ile group by ip
3: Network
IP :
4: Work notes
Subnet mask Example IP
Select 1, 2, 3, 4 to open the article
Wiki command: 3
Opening "Network" # opens content of "Network" in your default editor
By default mediawiki requires you to log-in before you can upload a file so fill in your username and password in the config file first.
$ wiki_client upload ~/path/to/file.txt
This is the a quick way to append short text to the end of your article:
$ wiki_command append my_article "some text here"
It's great for integrating with other programs. You can run this for example in cron.
There's alternative version if you want to append text from a text file:
$ wiki_command my_article < ~/path/to/some_file.txt