This repository contains programs and related documents for our term project on "Restoring Low-Light Light Fields" done as part of the course, EE5176: Computational Photography at IIT Madras.
The Seven Broad steps required to be performed in order to prcess raw 4D light field data as mentioned in [1] are:
Note: Coordinates(i, j, k, l)[As mentioned in [1]] ~ (u, v, x, y)[As per theory taught in class]
- Demosaicing(similar to bayer pattern) and Vignetting Correction(division by white image).
- Aligning Sub-aperture(lenslet) image centres to integer lcations on the sensor grid(image centre--> brightest spot, for alignment--> Rotation, Scaling).
- Slicing each of the lenslet images(While accounting for heaxagonal(specific to lytro camera) to Rectangular distortions) separately. This slicing happens in the outer(spatial) coordinates(x,y) and not in the inner(angular) coordinates(u, v).
- Converting Hexagonally sampled data to a rectilinear grid by interpolating along x.
- Correcting for rectangular(non-square) pixels by interpolating along u.
- Masking off pixels that lie outside the hexagonal lenslet image
- Final conversion (x,y,u,v) --> (u,v,x,y) [Interpreting the Light field as an array of images captured from different perspectives which form on a specific sized sub-grid of the Sensor plane.]
- Program to return decoded light field without saving it as .jpg/.png:
- Function:
- Function Execution:
- Working Example: decode_sans_save.ipynb
- Directory for storing raw LF data: Data/
- Program to return decoded light field without performing demosaicing, contrast correction and AWB:
- Function:
- Function Execution:
- Working Example: testing_decoding_sans_saving.ipynb
- Please ensure that '', '', the_raw_lightfield.lfr, and calib_data.tar are present in the PWD while executing ''
- [1] D. G. Dansereau, O. Pizarro, and S. B. Williams, “Decoding, calibration and rectification for lenselet-based plenoptic cameras,” in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2013, pp. 1027–1034.
- [2] The MATLAB light-field toolbox
- [3] Christopher Hahne and Amar Aggoun, "PlenoptiCam v1.0: A light-field imaging framework", arXiv, 2020.