This projetc merges the Optimized HighSpeed driver for nRF24L01 by TMRh20 ( with SoftSPI injection by shnae (
Design Goals: This library is designed to be...
* More compliant with the chip's manufacturer specified operation (Original RF24 by TMRh20 )
* Use full potential hw capabilities via Arduino (Original RF24 by TMRh20 )
* More reliable and feature rich (Original RF24 by TMRh20 )
* Easy for beginners to use, with well documented examples and features (Original RF24 by TMRh20 )
* Consumed with a public interface that's similiar to other Arduino standard libraries (Original RF24 by TMRh20 )
* Built against the standard SPI and SoftSPI library
This drive uses the SPI bus, plus two chip control pins. If you want to use SoftSPI (for example because there are other SPI device connected) you have to define SOFTSPI as compiler flag (-DSOFTSPI).
PIN Configuration
- With standard SPI
GND 1 | GND | GND |
VCC 2 | 3.3v | 3.3v |
CE 3 | 7 | 7 |
CSN 4 | 8 | 8 |
SCK 5 | 13 | ICSP_3 |
MOSI 6 | 11 | ICSP_4 |
MISO 7 | 12 | ICSP_1 |
----------- | --------- | ----------- |
- With SoftSPI
nRF24L01 | UNO |
GND 1 | GND |
VCC 2 | 3.3v |
CE 3 | 7 |
CSN 4 | 8 |
SCK 5 | 14 (A0) |
MOSI 6 | 15 (A1) |
MISO 7 | 16 (A2) |
----------- | ----------- |
- Remember that pin 10 must still remain an output or the SPI hardware will go into 'slave' mode.
- Insert capacitor 100mF across nRF24L01 pin 1 and 2 if you have connection problem
Supported Boards:
* Uno, Nano, Leonardo etc (328 based boards)
* Mega Types (2560, 1280, etc)
* ARM (Arduino Due) via extended SPI methods
* ATTiny 24/44/84 25/45/85
* Raspberry Pi
See the documentation for more info: -