This project is a very small 2D game. It is made of basic textures, sprites and basic gameplay elements.
To play this game you can use any map of your choice as long follow the following rues:
- The extension need be
- Its must be rectangular, surrounded by wall
- Must have only one exit, only one player and at least one collectible
- Characters allowed:
Character | Object |
1 | wall |
0 | Empty |
C | collectible |
E | exit |
P | Player starting position |
H | Enemy starting position |
In folder maps have some examples of maps.
You can use AWSD
to move UP
For restart the game press ESC
or click on the red cross of window.
If you touch the enemy you loose the game.
To win the game its necessary pick up all collectible and pass for the exit.
# Clone this project
$ git clone
# Access
$ cd 42_so_long/game
# Compile the program
$ make
# Run the project
$ ./so_long ../maps/..