Syntax highlighting for computational biology to bring you intuitively close to your data.
Support in vim, less, sublime3 & gedit for .sam
, .flagstat
, .vcf
, .fasta
, .fastq
, .faidx
, .clustal
, .pdb
, .gtf
, .bed
files & more.
We'd like to know how bioSyntax can be developed to help your workflow. Tell us what you think! (~5m)
bioSyntax integrates seamlessly with your text editor, recognizing data-type by the file extension or streamed into less
To gain the most insight from your data, read our brief bioSyntax Manual.
samtools view -h NA19238.bam | sam-less -
Dev Team: Artem Babaian | Dylan Aïssi | Anicet Ebou | Alyssa Fegen | Jeffrey Kam | Gherman Novakovskiy | Li Yao | Jasper Wong
Contact us: info[AT]
A hackseq17 Initiative.