A Nintendo Labo emulator.
- 03: Vehicle Kit (vehicle_*.py)
- python 3.11.9 (other versions might work but are untested)
- a .venv enviroment in the this repositories folder with pygame-ce installed
- yuzu/one of it's forks (Ryujinx doesn't have IR Camera emulation)
- OBS with virtual camera
- Your own copy of the labo kit ROM you wanna play
- Go to the settings and turn on
Controls -> advanced -> Infared Camera
- Start vehicle_car.py (or any other kit py file thing)
- Go into OBS and make a new source: window capture, select the Labu window and set it to only look for the window title and name the source something like LABU
- turn on the virtual camera in OBS, go into it's settings and make it only look at the source just created
- The py file can now be closed
- Back in yuzu, select OBS Virtual Camera as the IR Camera
- Start one of the py files for the thing you want it to emulate
- You need to focus the small window that opens with the title Labu to input anything
- Don't have 2 open at the same time or it might not work
- ESC closes the program
Name | Key |
Boost | W |
Backwards | S |
Left Stick | Q |
Right Stick | E |
Switch L. Stick Up/Down | 1/2 |
Switch R. Stick Up/Down | 3/4 |
Name | Key |
Shoot | Space |
Name | Key |
Shoot | Space |
Left Turbine Up/Down | D/C |
Right Turbine Up/Down | K/M |