Engine for the SmartSight app in Python 3
SmartSight engine is an image recognition algorithm based on Tensorflow and trained on ImageNet data set.
$ python classify.py --image_file <path to the image>
"class": "pizza, pizza pie",
"score": 0.884148
}, {
"class": "butcher shop, meat market",
"score": 0.002444
}, {
"class": "carbonara",
"score": 0.00208
}, {
"class": "trifle",
"score": 0.002078
}, {
"class": "pomegranate",
"score": 0.001326
If you use several Python versions on your computer, create a virtual environment with the Python 3 interpreter:
$ virtualenv -p python3 venv
Activate the new environment:
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
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