This library provides an easy bridge between Clojure datastructures (structs) and the Google App Engine datastore by generating all the boilerplate code needed to access the datastore. For example, to create a simple book database just define your data as follows:
(defentity book
:pre-save #(= % "yes")
:post-load #(if %
Storing a book in the datastore can be done via store-entities!
com.freiheit.gae.datastore.example> (store-entities! [(make-book :title "Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp"
:author "Peter Norvig"
:publisher "Morgan Kaufmann"
:isbn "978-1558601918"
:pages 946
:outofprint "no")])
({:outofprint "no", :pages 946, :isbn "978-1558601918", :publisher "Morgan Kaufmann", :author "Peter Norvig", :title "Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp", :key #<Key book(1)>, :parent-key nil, :kind "book"})
The data can be queried via a very simple query language that is also provided in the library. To find all books by a certain author just use the following code:
com.freiheit.gae.datastore.example> (select (where book ([= :author "Peter Norvig"])))
({:outofprint "no", :pages 946, :isbn "978-1558601918", :publisher "Morgan Kaufmann", :author "Peter Norvig", :title "Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp", :key #<Key book(1)>, :parent-key nil, :kind "book"})
Of course you need to able to change data that is already in the datastore. The API contains a function called assoc-entity
that can be used to change the values of an entity. It also does some bookkeeping that marks an entity as changed. Please note that assoc-entity
doesn't change the entity in the datastore. This is done with update-entities!
com.freiheit.gae.datastore.example> (let [book (first (select (where book ([= :author "Peter Norvig"]))))
unavailable-book (assoc-entity book :outofprint "yes")]
(update-entities! [unavailable-book]))
({:outofprint "yes", :pages 946, :isbn "978-1558601918", :publisher "Morgan Kaufmann", :author "Peter Norvig", :title "Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp", :key #<Key book(1)>, :parent-key nil, :kind "book"})
Data that needs to be deleted in the datastore is identified by its key. So, in order to delete all books in the datastore just get the keys of all books in the datastore and call delete-all!
com.freiheit.gae.datastore.example> (let [keys (map :key (select (where book [])))]
(delete-all! keys))
A query for all books verifies that indeed all entities are removed from the datastore:
com.freiheit.gae.datastore.example> (select (where book []))
A quick way to play with the library is from an Emacs Clojure
REPL. Clone the repository and put the following libraries into a
directory "lib"
- clojure.jar
- clojure-contrib.jar
- joda-time-1.6.jar
- some libraries from the Google App Engine SDK. You can use the small script "etc/" to do this.
- clj-datetime-bin-0.1.jar (this jar is already included in the lib directory)
Open the src/example/clojure/com/freiheit/gae/datastore/example.clj
file in Emacs and use
swank-clojure-project to setup a Clojure session. Compile the
file and execute (init-app-engine) in the REPL. Now you should be able to play with the examples.
For more information about setting up Clojure, Emacs and Google App Engine have a look at our blog post.
Please note that clj-gae-datastore is not yet working with Clojure >= 1.2.0.
Just type ant jar
to create a jar file of the datastore library.
If you want to create a jar of the compiled files type "ant binary-jar". This should be done after copying
the dependent jar files into "lib"
(see above.)
You can generate API documentation by typing ant doc
. It will be available in target/docs/api.html