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Imports and initializes Smartlook recorder into a page.

  1. Installation

    npm install smartlook-client --save


    yarn add smartlook-client
  2. Import

    import Smartlook from 'smartlook-client'


    const Smartlook = require('smartlook-client')
  3. API

    init(key: string)
    init(key: string, params)

    Required parameters:

    • key:
      • Obtained in application at project settings

    Optional parameters:

    • advancedNetwork:

      • description:
      • allowedUrls
        • allows recording of request/response bodies
        • an Array of exact, string patterns or regular expressions
      • allowedHeaders
        • allows recording of non-standard headers
        • an Array of exact, case-insensitive patterns
      • websockets
        • allows recording of websockets
        • boolean value
    • cookies:

      • supported values:
        • (default) true - enable storing of metadata in cookies and local storage
        • false - disable storing of metadata in cookies, using only local storage
      • example:
        • Smartlook.init('xxxxx', { cookies: false })
      • description
    • interceptors

      • description:
      • url
        • URL interceptor that can obscure sensitive data from URLs
      • network
        • Network interceptor that can obscure sensitive data from recorded network calls—bodies, headers, and URLs.
        • Network events can be completely omitted by returning false from the interceptor.
      • error
        • Error interceptor that can obscure sensitive data from error events
      • focus
        • Focus interceptor that can obscure sensitive data from focus events
      • input
        • Input interceptor that can obscure sensitive data from input events
      • click
        • Click interceptor that can obscure sensitive data from click events
    • region:

      • supported values:
        • 'eu'
        • 'us'
      • example:
        • Smartlook.init('xxxxx', { region: 'us' })
      • description
        • Region where data will be captured and stored
        • Do not change unless told by your sales manager
    • relayProxyUrl:

    • standalone:

      • supported values:
        • (default) false - makes Smartlook try to establish a connection with the parent window and join the session. The session will be reused only when the parent window loads Smartlook and records it as the same project. See more in the iframe recordings section. if the communication is not established within 10 seconds, the recording starts as a standalone anyway, but these first 10 seconds may be missing.
        • true - enable when your application is loaded in an iframe and you do not want Smartlook to try to connect with the parent window. Enabling this might be useful especially when you develop a third-party integration (e.g. payment gateway) that is inserted as an iframe on multiple websites.

    track(string eventName, object<key:value> props)
    identify(integer | string userId, object<key:value> props)
    record(params: { forms?: boolean, ips?: boolean, emails?: boolean, numbers?: boolean })
    getData(function callback)
    error(string | Error error)
    navigation(string locationOrPath)
    properties(object<key:value> properties)
  4. Example usage in React

    Usage in other libraries is similar.

    import React, { Component } from 'react'
    import Smartlook from 'smartlook-client'
    class App extends Component {
    	handleIdentify = () => {
    		Smartlook.identify(12345, {
    			name: 'John Doe',
    			email: '[email protected]',
    			// other custom properties
    	handleTrack = () => {
    		Smartlook.track('transaction', {
    			value: 150,
    			currency: 'usd',
    			product: 'Product Description',
    			// other custom properties
    	handlePause = () => {
    	render() {
    		return (
    				<button onClick={this.handleIdentify}>Identify visitor</button>
    				<button onClick={this.handleTrack}>Track event</button>
    				<button onClick={this.handlePause}>Pause recording</button>
    	componentDidMount() {
    export default App

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