This project integrates with the HERE API to retrieve a specific route information based on the origin, destination and transport mode chosen by the user. It processes this data into a predefined template with Thymeleaf and enables verification of the route within the PlayAndGo platform.
Environment Variables are mandatory.
- The apiEndpoint variable represents the base URL for the API of the PlayAndGoEngine.
- Example: https://.../playandgo/api (localhost or direct playandgo api endpoint)
- Departure Date and Time assigned to the Route created by the Here API.
Attention! Be sure to use the right format: "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss" - Example: 2024-11-11T00:00:00
- Departure Date and Time assigned to the Route created by the Here API.
- This is the Specific Key to access the HERE API.
To create it you need to have an account on HERE Api and generate it. - In the HERE Api Section you will have access to all the documentation to set and start using Here API.
- This is the Specific Key to access the HERE API.
- This is the base URL for the HERE Routing API.
It is used to create a route between two points only if the transport mode is walk, bike or car. - Value:
- This is the base URL for the HERE Routing API.
- This is the base URL for the creation of the API Request of HERE Public Transit API.
It is used to create a route between two points only if the transport mode is bus, train or any other public transportation. - Value:
- This is the base URL for the creation of the API Request of HERE Public Transit API.
This variable is mandatory ONLY if you wanna send the track directly to PlayAndGoEngine. (playAndGoEngine.sendTrack(track); in the code)
If you wanna just create a json file, this token IS NOT USED.
- Authentication Token of AAC to access the Backend of PlayAndGo.
HERE API is a suite of location-based services provided by HERE Technologies, a leading company in mapping and geospatial data. It offers features such as mapping, routing, traffic, and transit information, enabling applications to deliver real-time navigation, route optimization, and location intelligence.
If you want to use your own HERE Api for this App, you MUST add the following Services to your Project:
- HERE Routing v8
- HERE Routing - Transit v8
The API references below are provided just to have a better understanding of how HERE API works.
You will not need to know it perfectly to use this application since the test will automatically change the APIs parameters based on the initial request.