Smartcoin C# .NET lib
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# Setup Account keys
using Smartcoin;
using Smartcoin.Entities;
'sk_test_86e4486a0078b2'); # Replace keys by your account keys
# Create a Token with card information
var token = new Token();
token.Card = new Card();
token.Card.Number = 4242424242424242;
token.Card.ExpMonth = 12;
token.Card.ExpYear = 2018;
token.Card.Cvc = 123;
token.Card.Name = "Luke Skywalker";
# Create Charge with token as card param
var c = new Charge();
c.Type = "credit_card";
c.Installment = 1;
c.Amount = 100;
c.Currency = "brl";
c.Description = "Smartcoin charge test for [email protected]";
c.CardToken = token;
# Create Bank Slip Charge
var c = new Charge();
c.Type = "bank_slip";
c.Amount = 100;
c.Currency = "brl";
c.Description = "Smartcoin charge test for [email protected]";
# Create Subscription
var plan = new Plan();
plan.Id = "test-plan";
plan.Amount = 1000;
plan.Currency = "brl";
plan.Interval = "week";
plan.IntervalCount = 2;
plan.Name = "Plan Name";
plan.TrialPeriodDays = 15;
var pl = plan.Create();
var customer = new Customer();
customer.Email = "[email protected]";
var cus = customer.Create();
var subscription = new Subscription();
subscription.Customer = cus.Id;
subscription.Plan = pl;
subscription.TrialEnd = 7;
subscription.Quantity = 2;
Para instalar a suíte de testes, siga as intruções em:
Para executar a suíte de testes:
Execute NuGet.exe
Originally by Marcio Jorge.
Colaborador(es): Ricardo Caldeira