This project is a collaboration between Centria and Hochschule Darmstadt to develop a Locker/Renting/Charging System for universities. This repository contains the Backend part, it is based on:
- FastAPI
- SQLAlechemy / alembic
The other repository can be found here :
- Frontend:
- Arduino:
The following steps are based on the assumption you're using PyCharm, some part can differ for other IDEs
- Postgres Database
- Python
- pip (included in Python since 3.4)
Make sure your local Postgres Database is running, I used this configuration, but you can also use your own as we will custom environment variables later on anyway:
DATABASE_HOST = os.getenv('DATABASE_HOST', 'localhost')
DATABASE_PORT = os.getenv('DATABASE_PORT', '5432')
DATABASE_NAME = os.getenv('DATABASE_NAME', 'postgres')
First thing we need to do, is to Clone the Repository. If you used other credentials for the database, you can change them in the .env file. After setting up the environment variables, the next step will be to generate and activate the virtual environment. There run following command in the terminal:
- This will generate a virtual environment with the name venv
python -m venv venv
- Activate the virtual environment
Windows: venv\Scripts\activate MacOS: source venv/bin/activate
- Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Now the development environment is set up, and you can start the application by clicking on "Run" You should see this message if the setup was successfull:
To create the database schema, you can run the following command:
alembic revision --autogenerate -m "Initial migration"
This will create a new migration file in the alembic/versions folder. To apply the migration, run the following command:
alembic upgrade head
This will create the necessary tables in the database.
The Postgres Database is set up on Google Cloud SQL (Postgres 15) Please be aware that you cant just connect with to the database Public IP with the credentials. Your own network must be added in the Google Cloud Web Interface, so it only allows connection from known networks.
The backend is hosted on Google Cloud Run. To deploy a new version following pre-requisites are needed:
- Google Cloud Run CLI
- Google Cloud Run User with Project Permissions and Authenticated in CLI
- Docker
To deploy a new version a docker please follow these steps:
Create new Docker image
docker buildx build -t sleppp/inventory-backend --platform linux/amd64 .
Tag image for Google Cloud Run
docker tag sleppp/inventory-backend
Push image for Google Cloud Run
docker push
INSERT INTO users (firstname, lastname, email, password, role)
VALUES ('Firstname1', 'Lastname1', '[email protected]', 'password1', 'student');
INSERT INTO users (firstname, lastname, email, password, role)
VALUES ('Firstname2', 'Lastname2', '[email protected]', 'password2', 'admin');
If you encounter any errors during the deployment process, make sure you are authenticated with Google Cloud CLI (gcloud auth login) and have the necessary permissions to push images to Google Container Registry. For troubleshooting tips or common errors, refer to the Google Cloud Run documentation.