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Website backend

A collection of backend administrative modules for various parts of the website.

Development setup

This is a python and Django based project.

It includes the setup for the pipenv python virtual environment and package management. Please install it first and then run:

pipenv install --dev
pipenv shell

You can leave the created virtual environment by running exit from the shell.

Second, you need to link the development settings file and create a secrets file:

cd sledilnik/settings
ln -s
echo "SECRET_KEY = 'secret-key'" >
cd -

Finally, crete the databse and run migrations:

./manage migrate

Create a superuser by:

./ createsuperuser

Finally, run the server and visit the admin section at

./ runserver

Model graphs

You can visualize the data models of this project. Please make sure you have install the development requirements by running pipenv install --dev and the run:

./ graph_models -g -o Model.pdf --no-inheritance <app-name>

Automatic deployment

Helm chart used is sledilnik/django located in See files in .github.workflows. Use NOBUILD keyword in commit message to skip build. Use NODEPLOY keyword in commit message to skip deploy

Manual deployment (for development)

Change ../helm-repo/charts/django with path to local checkout of helm chart, do modifications and try it out.

helm upgrade website-backend-stage ../helm-repo/charts/django --install --atomic --namespace sledilnik-stage  -f .helm/values.stage.yml --debug