For now , i create lite version that You can see here : amfeditor lite
Or You can download AIR application from downloads section .
Project goals : Create quick (as editing in notepad/txt editors) , dynamic (like XML , but faster and easier) , safe(no syntax errors), usefull application for creating data files for Action Script 3 projects.
- quick – faster than XML , JSON , metadata
- easy to use – easier than text editing , no syntax , no mismatch
- extensible – simply add compiled SWF and create/load/save instances of compiled classes .
- easy to load – 1 urlloader class load file and parse data direct to action script objects.
- AMFEditor lite :
FlashDevelop pure as3 project:- quick app for edit AMF3 simple values
- amfeditor lite
- AMFAnalizer : (added , in design development)
FlashDevelop flex(only Tree used) project:- instance parser , that allow You check and edit as3 objects (pure AS3)
- flex is used only for tree display
- AMFReader : (added , beta)
FlashDevelop pure as3 project- pure AS3 .swc lib , to load external files with amf data
- example inside
(under development)
- AMFEditor : (not added yet , in final tests)
Flex AIR application :- allow You to edit and create AMF instances
- import and analize SWF
- load additional classes from SWF’s
- manage files with data
- associate with files , load by drag&drop
- easy to extend with new data parsers (about this soon)