This is Commodore 64, Atari XL/XE and NES code and memory debugger that works in real time. It is quick prototyping tool where you can play with 8-bit machine and its internals.
Note that this is not ready product, this is still beta version.
If you are starting this for the first time and looking for Atari or Commodore, then you first need to setup your own ROMs of these retro computers. You can find that in the Settings menu.
File Size Name
2048 ATARI5200.rom
10240 ATARIOSA.rom
10240 ATARIOSB.rom
16384 ATARIXL.rom
8192 basic
4096 chargen
16384 dos1541
16384 dos1541II
8192 kernal
Retro Debugger embeds Vice v3.1, Atari800 and NestopiaUE emulator engines provided by:
Vice: Atari800: NestopiaUE:
Thank you for that awesome part of code!
The README usage file for this version is not ready yet. Please refer to the old C64 65XE NES Debugger documentation in ./docs folder.
Note that you can right-click now on some of the views to display context menu.
Code is based on MTEngineSDL. Engine compiles SDL2 with ImGui and this app as a static binary. You need to compile the MTEngineSDL first.
MTEngineSDL: SDL2: ImGui:
cd ./platform/MacOS
I normally put files into ~/develop/c64d
Project should compile as is in Xcode, remember to reference MTEngineSDL
Check VS2019 project in ./platform/Windows
. This should work when put into
. Note, the SDL2 library was built static.
You need SDL2 and GLEW installed:
sudo apt install libsdl2-dev
sudo apt install libglew-dev
Put MTEngineSDL and RetroDebugger folders into the same folder and then compile.
cd RetroDebugger
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ./../
Remember to have MTEngineSDL library in ./../../MTEngineSDL
This product would not have been created without the help of alpha testers: Euan Gamble, Robert Troughton, Jesper Rune Larsen, Steve West, Lukhash, Markus Dano Burgstaller, Brush/Elysium, Alex Goldblat, Cescom, Artix, Isildur/Samar, Dkt/Samar, Mojzesh/Samar, Pajero/MadTeam^Samar, Euan Gamble, Tebe, Linus Nielsen Boogaloo/Horizon, zero211, Mr.Mouse/XeNTaX/Genesis Project, Yugorin/Samar
And C64 65XE NES Debugger testers: Scan/House, Dr.J/Delysid, Mr Wegi/Elysium, ElfKaa/Avatar, Ruben Aparicio, 64 bites, Stein Pedersen, Mads Nielsen (Slammer/Camelot), Roy C Riggs (furroy)
Also, the famous SDL2 and ImGui team!
Plus everyone who made a donation, you know who you are and you are awesome!
See promo videos here:
If you like this tool and you feel that you would like to share with me some beers, then you can use this link:
Or send me some Bitcoins using this address:
Donations will help me in development, thanks!
Join Retro Debugger Facebook page here:
Retro Debugger is (C) Marcin Skoczylas
The license for Retro Debugger is some kind of FSF license as decided by Richard Stallman when I discussed that with him during CodeEurope conference. This tool is free to use.
Please refer to C64 65XE NES Debugger license for more details.
C64 65XE NES Debugger (C) 2016 Marcin Skoczylas Vice (C) 1993 The VICE Team 65XE Debugger (C) 2018 Marcin Skoczylas Atari800 emulator (C) The Atari800 emulator Team NestopiaUE emulator (C) The NestopiaUE and Nestopia teams. GoatTracker 2 is (C) Lasse Öörni and GoatTracker 2 team. ASAP library is (C) Piotr Fusik et al.
This product uses 1-Writer font: UI assets licenses are provided by the ImGui, SDL2 and all referenced licenses.
Roboto-Medium.ttf, by Christian Robetson Apache License 2.0
Cousine-Regular.ttf, by Steve Matteson Digitized data copyright (c) 2010 Google Corporation. Licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1
DroidSans.ttf, by Steve Matteson Apache License 2.0
ProggyClean.ttf, by Tristan Grimmer MIT License (recommended loading setting: Size = 13.0, GlyphOffset.y = +1)
ProggyTiny.ttf, by Tristan Grimmer MIT License (recommended loading setting: Size = 10.0, GlyphOffset.y = +1)
Karla-Regular.ttf, by Jonathan Pinhorn SIL OPEN FONT LICENSE Version 1.1
imgui-notify by patrickcjk