Dataset and code accompanying the paper: Frequency-tagging of spatial attention using periliminal flickers
The published manuscript can be found at the following address: []
preprocess.m applies the EEG signal processing pipeline used in this study (see Methods section)
RESS.m computes the SSVEP responses to both the target and non-target stimuli using the Rhythmic Entrainment Source Separation (RESS) Cohen & Gulbinaite 2017 analysis [].
The preprocessed datasets of the 24 subjects that took part in this experiment are epoched around the experimental events of the left and right cues (-4 to 7seconds) to capture the preceding 3 seconds of fixation cross, and the following 3 seconds cueing, and later target detection phases of the trials. Processed data can be downloaded from the following osf repository []
Example video can be downloaded from this repo or directly streamed from: []