A fully functional programming language that will eventually transpile to multiple language targets. Currently just C++.
- create a way to pass which scheduler to use
- create a way to pass a tuple of AST to the compiler and have it generate anna_lang code.
- create a way to pass anna_lang haxe AST to convert to anna_lang AST
- user defined type not being resolved correct in anonymous functions
- Modules
- Interfaces
- Functions
- Basic types: Arrays, Maps, Lists, Tuples, Strings, Ints, Floats, Atoms
- Type checking. Type inference with casts
- Anonymous functions
- Keyword Lists
- Function Overloading
- Custom Types
- Function head pattern matching
- Pattern matching on assignment
- Macros
- Tail call recursion
- Actor Model
- Send messages to other processes
- Integration with target language *there's bugs in the haxe Stdlib :(
- Release compilation for various targets
- Standard library
- Create a smarter logging system. Like:
- log once
- log every n secs/mins/etc.
- Will only log if log regex is logged N times within a given period of time