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Skywire Updater

skywire-updater is responsible for updating services associated with Skywire. Actions include checking for updates, and actually updating the service.

$ skywire-updater -h

skywire-updater is responsible for checking for updates, and updating services
associated with skywire. 

It takes one optional argument [config-path] which specifies the path to the
configuration file to use. If no [config-path] is specified, the following 
directories are searched in order:

  1. /your_working_directory/config.yml
  2. /home/anonymous/.skycoin/skywire-updater/config.yml
  3. /usr/local/skycoin/skywire-updater/config.yml

  skywire-updater [config-path] [flags]
  skywire-updater [command]

Available Commands:
  help        Help about any command
  init-config generates a configuration file

  -h, --help   help for skywire-updater

Use "skywire-updater [command] --help" for more information about a command.


These instructions details the installation and configuration of skywire-updater in a user's home directory.


# Clone.
$ git clone
$ cd ./skywire-updater

# Build.
$ GO111MODULE=on go build -o ~/.skycoin/bin/skywire-updater ./cmd/skywire-updater

# Export path (would be a good idea to add this line to ~/.profile).
$ export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.skycoin/bin

# Generate default config to ~/.skycoin/skywire-updater/config.yml
$ skywire-updater init-config

# Copy scripts.
$ cp -R ./scripts ~/.skycoin/skywire-updater/scripts

# Run.
$ skywire-updater


A configuration file contains the following sections:

  • paths: - Specifies paths for the skywire-updater.
  • interfaces: - Specifies network interface settings.
  • services.defaults: - Specifies default values for services.
  • - Specifies services that the skywire-updater is responsible for.

Here is an example configuration with comments:

paths: # Configures paths.
  db-file: "/usr/local/skywire-updater/db.json"      # Database file location ("/usr/local/skywire-updater/db.json" if unspecified).
  scripts-path: "/usr/local/skywire-updater/scripts" # Scripts folder location ("/usr/local/skywire-updater/scripts" if unspecified).

interfaces: # Configures network interfaces.
  addr: ":8080"     # Address to bind and listen from (":7280" if unspecified).
  enable-rest: true # Whether to enable RESTful interface served from {addr}/api/ (true if unspecified).
  enable-rpc: true  # Whether to enable RPC interface served from {addr}/rpc/ (true if unspecified).

services: # Configures services.
  defaults: # Configures default field values.
    main-branch: "master"     # Default 'main-branch' field value.
    bin-dir: "/usr/local/bin" # Default bin directory filed value.
    interpreter: "/bin/sh"    # Default 'interpreter' field value.
    envs:                     # Default 'envs' field values.
      - "APP_DIR=/usr/local/skywire/apps/bin"
    skywire: # Service name/ID. This service is named "skywire".
      repo:         "" # Repository URL. Should be of format: <domain>/<owner>/<name> . Will be saved in SWU_REPO env for scripts.
      main-branch:  "stable"                     # Main branch's name. Default will be used if not set. Will be saved in SWU_MAIN_BRANCH env for scripts.
      bin-dir:      "/usr/local/skycoin/bin"     # Bin Directory to build into. Will be saved in SWU_BIN_DIR for scripts.
      main-process: "skywire-node"               # Main executable's name. Will be saved in SWU_MAIN_PROCESS env for scripts.
      checker:                                            # Defines the service's checker (used to check for available updates).
        type: "script"                                    # Type of checker. Valid: "script"(default), "github_release".
        script: "check/bin-diff"                          # Required if checker type is "script": Specifies script to run (within '--scripts-dir' arg).
        interpreter: "/bin/bash"                          # Required if checker type is "script": Specifies script interpreter. Default will be used if not set.
        args: - "-v"                                      # Optional: Additional arguments for checker scripts.
        envs:                                             # Optional: Set environment variables that can be used by checker.
          - "APP_DIR=/usr/local/skywire/default-apps/bin" # This overrides default's APP_DIR definition.
      updater:                                            # Defines the service's updater (actually updates the service's binaries and relevant files).
        type: "script"                                    # Type of updater. Only "script"(default) is supported.
        script: "update/skywire"                          # Required if updater type is "script": Specifies script to run (within '--scripts-dir' arg).
        interpreter: "/bin/bash"                          # Required if updater type is "script": Specifies script interpreter. Default will be used if not set.
        args: - "-v"                                      # Optional: Additional arguments for updater scripts.
        envs:                                             # Optional: Set environment variables that can be used by updater.
          - "APP_DIR=/usr/local/skywire/default-apps/bin" # This overrides default's APP_DIR definition.

    another-service: # Another service. This service is named "another-service".
      # The config for 'another-service' goes here ...

RESTful Endpoints

  • List services

    GET /api/services
  • Check for updates for given service

    GET /api/services/:service_name/check
  • Update given service

    POST /api/services/:service_name/update/:version

RPC Endpoints

An RPC Client is provided in /pkg/api/rpc.go.

package main

import ""

func main() {
	client, err := api.DialRPC(":7280")
	// interact with client ...

Note that the RPC and REST interfaces of the skywire-updater are served on the same port (but on different paths).