Sharp86 is an Intel 8086 emulator for .NET that is simple to host and includes a built-in "text based GUI" debugger.
Sharp86 is the CPU emulation used by Win3mu - a 16-bit Windows 3 emulator.
It supports the 8086 instruction but can also be run in a pseudo-protected mode where the host emulator provides selector support. This is possible because Sharp86's bus interface provides both segment/selector and offset for memory operations (rather than accessing a flat memory model like a real processor would at the bus level).
In other words, even though a host can emulate protected mode for user mode software, you can't run operating system level software that expects protected mode instructions to be available.
In the context of Win3mu this means the running software thinks it's running in protected mode, but Win3mu itself isn't running the real Windows 3 operating system.
Sharp86 is hosted on BitBucket:
or more typically you'd just add it as a submodule to an existing project:
> git submodule add
To host Sharp86, first create an instance of it, or derive a class from it and provide an implementation of the IMemoryBus
and IPortBus
class MyMachine : Sharp86.CPU, IMemoryBus, IPortBus
public MyMachine()
base.MemoryBus = this;
base.PortBus = this;
The memory bus is a simple 8-bit bus used everytime the processor needs to read from or write to memory:
public interface IMemoryBus
byte ReadByte(ushort seg, ushort offset);
void WriteByte(ushort seg, ushort offset, byte value);
bool IsExecutableSelector(ushort seg);
A minimal implementation for a flat (non-protected mode) memory model might look something like this:
// A chunk of memory
byte[] _memory = new byte[1024 * 1024];
// Read a byte from memory
byte IMemoryBus.ReadByte(ushort seg, ushort offset)
return _mem[seg << 4 + offset]
// Write a byte to memory
void IMemoryBus.WriteByte(ushort seg, ushort offset, byte value)
_mem[seg << 4 + offset] = value;
// Check if a selector is executable. For non-protected mode
// just return true. Called to validate selectors before
// being loaded into the cs register
bool IMemoryBus.IsExecutableSelector(ushort seg)
return true;
The port bus is used for port I/O operations:
public interface IPortBus
byte ReadPortByte(ushort port);
void WritePortByte(ushort port, byte value);
A minimal implementation of this could simply return 0 and ignore port writes.
Before running the processor, you'll need to load some valid 8086 code somewhere into the processor's address space. How you do this is outside the scope of the document (although see the section "Minimal Host Implementation" below) and depends on what you're trying to emulate. Suffice to say when the processor starts executing you'll need to provide valid code to execute via the IMemoryBus.ReadByte()
You can set the address at which the processor will begin executing by directly accessing the IP register:
// Start execution after the interrupt vector table
cpu.IP = 0x0400;
To make the processor run, call the Run() method indicating how many instructions to execute:
// Run the next 10,000 instructions
The processor will now run, reading instructions from the memory bus and executing them.
The above call to Run()
executes what's called a "run frame". A run frame is set of instructions executed as a batch. Executing instructions in batches like this is considerably faster than calling a Step() method (if it existed) many times.
Normally a run frame will execute until the specified number of instructions have been executed. You can cancel the current run frame however by calling the CPU.AbortRunFrame()
method while in a callback from a bus operation or an interrupt handler (see below). This will cause the Run()
method to return before executing the next instruction.
You might want to do this if the processor executes an instruction that should cause the machine to shut down (eg: calling a DOS exit process interupt) and no more instructions should be executed.
The current run frame is automatically aborted if the processor executes a halt
Aside from the memory bus and port bus, the other main way the CPU can interact with the hosting environment is via interrupts.
To install an interrupt handler, override the CPU
class's RaiseInterrupt
public override void RaiseInterrupt(byte interruptNumber)
// DOS interrupt?
if (interruptNumber == 0x21)
// Handle the interrupt by directly interacting
// with the CPU registers and machine memory
// Don't pass to the default handler
// Do default (ie: invoke interrupt vector table)
By returning from RaiseInterrupt
without calling the base method implementation the CPU will continue execution at the instruction immediately after the interrupt.
Normally an interrupt handler will handle the interrupt by directly interacting with the machine's memory and/or registers:
void HandleDosInterrupt(interruptNumber)
switch (_cpu.ah)
// handle DOS interrupt sub-op
// Clear carry flag to indicate no error
_cpu.FlagC = false;
To raise a hardware interrupt, call the CPU.RaiseHardwareInterrupt
method. This will cause the RaiseInterrupt
method to be invoked after the next instruction has finished executing.
Note the processor doesn't include an interrupt controller nor have a concept of hardware interrupt priorities - that'll need to be provided by your hosting emulation. If you call RaiseInterrupt
a second time before the first interrupt is detected and invoked, the first interrupt will be lost. Typically this is resolved by implementing an interrupt controller that requires interrupt acknowledgement before raising the next highest priority interrupt.
For a minimal host implementation see the included "ConDos" program. ConDos provides a minimal implementation of a PC/DOS type machine that implements a single DOS interrupt - Int 21h, Sub-Function 9 - Write a string to the console.
In the sandbox
subdirectory of the ConDos project, you'll also find a simple DOS .com program that only uses this one DOS interrupt that can be used for testing. (the
program will also run on a real DOS machine)
C:\Users\Brad\Projects\Sharp86\ConDos>..\build\Debug\ConDos.exe sandbox\
Hello World from Sharp86 - (9)
Hello World from Sharp86 - (8)
Hello World from Sharp86 - (7)
Hello World from Sharp86 - (6)
Hello World from Sharp86 - (5)
Hello World from Sharp86 - (4)
Hello World from Sharp86 - (3)
Hello World from Sharp86 - (2)
Hello World from Sharp86 - (1)
Hello World from Sharp86 - (0)
Here's the test program assembly source which can be built using the build.bat
command in the same directory (you'll need YASM installed).
org 100h
mov cx,10
mov al,cl
add al,'0'-1
mov [counter],al
mov ah,09h
mov dx,hello
int 21h
loop loop1
db "Hello World from Sharp86 - ("
db "0"
db ")", 13, 10, "$"
Sharp86 includes a built in debugger. To enable the debugger, create an instance of it and set its CPU property:
// Create a debugger and attach it to the CPU
_debugger = new Sharp86.TextGuiDebugger();
_debugger.CPU = _cpu;
To break the debugger on the next executed instruction, call it's Break()
if (IsKeyPress && KeyCode == KeyCode.F9)
Calling Break()
will cause execution to stop just before the next instruction is executed. (ie: the processor needs to be running for the break to occur - either by calling Run()
again, or by calling Break()
while a call to Run()
is in progress).
The built in debugger is displayed as a Windows console mode window with a GUIish retro 90's style text mode user-interface. The GUI is somewhat limited (ie: unfortunately no mouse support) but considerably better than a scrolling console mode debugger.
The basics of using the debugger are as follows:
- F5 = Continue
- F8 = Step
- Shift+F8 = Step Out
- F9 = Set breakpoint (in code window)
- F10 = Step Over
- Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab move focus between windows (aka: panels)
- Type over an address to change position (code and data windows)
- Shift + Up/Down in console window to scroll (but, see notes below)
- Type "help" in the console window for list of other commands.
By default, some of the above keys won't work in newer versions of Windows. To fix this, click the debugger window's system menu, choose Properties and turn off: "Quick Edit Mode", "Insert Mode", "Enable Ctrl Key Shortcuts", "Filter clipboard contents on paste", "Enable line wrapping selection" and "Extended text selection keys".
The debugger supports the following set of commands that can be typed into the console window (from the help
bp - Set a break point at a code location
bp break - Attach a break condition to a break point
bp clear - Remove all break points
bp cputime - Set a CPU time break point
bp del - Delete break point
bp edit - Edit a break point
bp expr - Set a expression change break point
bp int - Set a interrupt break point
bp list - List break points
bp match - Attach a match condition to a break point
bp mem - Set a memory change break point
bp memr - Set a memory read break point
bp memw - Set a memory write break point
bp off - Disable break point
bp on - Enable break point
bp reset - Reset break point trip counts
close log - Close log file
disasm - Disassemble (format=b,w,dw,i,l)
dump mem - Dump memory (format=b,w,dw,i,l)
e - Evaluate an expression
help - List all available commands
log - Log output to a file
o - Step Over
r - Run
r for - Run for CPU cycles
r time - Run to CPU time
r to - Run to address
s - Step
t - Step Out
trace - Dump execution trace
trace clear - Clear execution trace
trace off - Disable execution tracing
trace on - Enable execution tracing
trace set - Set the execution trace buffer size
view code - View address in the code window
view mem - View address in the memory window
w - Add a watch expression
w clear - Remove all watch expression
w del - Remove a watch expression
w edit - Edit a watch point
Some commands expect arguments in which case you can use expressions. Most C# style operators are supported.
eg: This would move the memory window to watch 16 bytes before the current stack pointer.
view mem ss:sp-0x10
Note that commands that expect strings should be quoted:
log "dump.txt"
eg: watch to the current top of stack:
w word ptr [ss:sp]
eg: set a break point at code location:
bp cs:0x1000
eg: set a break point on a write to memory:
bp memw ds:0x1234,16
Aside from watch expressions, all expressions are evaluted at the time the command is invoked (ie: the above break point wouldn't move if the DS register changed).
Note too that break points are evaluated for exact matches on the segment/offset. For memory models where multiple addresses refer to the same memory location, break points only work on a matching segment address.
Sharp86 - 8086 Emulator Copyright © 2017-2018 Topten Software.
Sharp86 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Sharp86 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Sharp86. If not, see