- 1주차: 2023.12.18 ~ 2023.12.24 (4, 5, 6 챕터)
- 2주차: 2023.12.25 ~ 2023.12.31 (7, 8, 9 챕터)
- 3주차: 2023.01.01 ~ 2023.01.07 (10, 11, 12 챕터)
- 4주차: 2023.01.08 ~ 2023.01.14 (13&14, 15, 16&17 챕터)
- 5주차: 2023.01.15 ~ 2023.01.21 (18, 19&20, 21 챕터)
1. 주 1회 온라인 모임 (토요일 오전 10시) -> 각자 파트 10~15분 발표
2. 각자 공부한 내용을 정리해서 깃허브에 올리기 (코드가 없어도 괜찮음)
3. 온라인 모임 불참: (가급적) 3일 전까지 미리 알려줘서 날짜 변경.
- Ultimate AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner CLF-C02
1. Introduction
2. Code & Slides Download
3. What is Cloud Computing?
4. IAM - Identity and Access Management
5. EC2 - Elastic Compute Cloud
6. EC2 Instance Storage
7. ELB & ASG - Elastic Load Balancing & Auto Scaling Groups
8. Amazon S3
9. Databases & Analytics
10. Other Compute Services: ECS, Lambda, Batch, Lightsail
11. Deployments & Managing Infrastructure at Scale
12. Leveraging the AWS Global Infrastructure
13. Cloud Integrations
14. Cloud Monitoring
15. VPC & Networking
16. Security & Compliance
17. Machine Learning
18. Account Management, Billing & Support
19. Advanced Identity
20. Other Services
21. AWS Architecting & Ecosystem
22. Preparing for the Exam + Practice Exam - AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner
23. Congratulations - AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner