This repo contains the source code for my Flutter & Firebase Course on Udemy.
▪ Building layouts with Material & Cupertino widgets + build your own custom widgets
▪ Navigation
▪ Firebase Authentication (anonymous, email & password, Google, Facebook)
▪ State Management: how to use setState, lifting state up via callbacks, global access, scoped access with Provider, BLoCs, ValueNotifier & ChangeNotifier
▪ Streams, building reactive apps & advanced stream operations with RxDart
▪ Forms, input handling and validation
▪ Managing and updating packages
▪ Databases and Cloud Firestore
▪ Working with Forms and Cloud Firestore
▪ Working with ListViews and multiple UI states
▪ Date & time pickers
▪ Unit & Widget tests with mockito (basics to advanced)
▪ Windows, macOS or Linux for Android app development
▪ macOS for iOS app development
▪ Build a complete, real-world app with Flutter & Firebase
▪ Write iOS & Android apps with a single codebase
▪ Write production-ready code following best practices and become a competent Flutter developer
▪ Fast-track your Flutter learning with practical tips and proven techniques