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Create the DB table

Michael Kalbermatten edited this page Sep 27, 2013 · 1 revision

You should create a LAS tile index as a PostGIS table named lidar_tile_index.grid50mfull:

CREATE TABLE lidar_tile_index.grid50mfull
  tile character(10),
  tilenb double precision,
  file character(14),
  geom geometry,
  CONSTRAINT enforce_dims_geom CHECK (st_ndims(geom) = 4),
  CONSTRAINT enforce_geotype_geom CHECK (geometrytype(geom) = 'POLYGON'::text OR geom IS NULL),
  CONSTRAINT enforce_srid_geom CHECK (st_srid(geom) = 21781)

Ideally, the polygons of this table should have resolution 50x50m to avoid server overloads.

fileis the column which should contain the reference to the LAS file (without the file extension).

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