Steps for success on
- Install zImage_dtb (in /boot and in /boot/linux for MrMister), reboot
- Stop MiSTer service with sudo systemctl stop MiSTer
- Clone repo to MiSTer
- Browse to directory, run make modules
- Once complete make modules_install
- Reboot and enjoy your hardware and if installed, tailscale!
- export ARCH=arm
- sudo systemctl stop MiSTer This is where you'll need to add any new device drivers since the last update
- make menuconfig
- make -j3 zImage
- make socfpga_cyclone5_de10_nano.dtb
- cat arch/arm/boot/zImage arch/arm/boot/dts/socfpga_cyclone5_de10_nano.dtb > zImage_dtb
- sudo cp zImage_dtb /boot/zImage_dtb
- sudo cp zImage_dtb /boot/linux/zImage_dtb