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SolusVM SolusVM Build Status

SolusVM allows for easy interaction with the SolusVM Admin::API. This library was first created for internal use at Site5 LLC.

SolusVM has been tested on MRI versions 1.9.2, 1.9.3, 2.0.0 and 1.9-compatible JRuby.

Documentation is available in TomDoc format.

Basic Examples

server = 'key', api_id: 'id', url: 'url')

# 200 is the id of the virtual server
server.shutdown(200) # => true
server.boot(200) # => true
server.reboot(200) # => true
server.suspend(200) # => true
server.resume(200) # => true

Server creation

options = {
  type:     'xen',
  username: 'bob',
  node:     'node1',
  plan:     'plan1',
  template: 'mytpl',
  ips:      1

result = sever.create('', 'password', options}

p server.successful? #=> true

p result
=> {"mainipaddress"=>"", "consoleuser"=>"console-user", "vserverid"=>"10",
"statusmsg"=>"Virtual server created", "virtid"=>"vm10", "consolepassword"=>"myPassisL33t",
"extraipaddress"=>{}, "hostname"=>"server.hostname", "rootpassword"=>"password", "status"=>"success"}

Command Line Usage

    solusvm client <command>    # Client commands
    solusvm general <command>   # General commands
    solusvm help [TASK]         # Describe available tasks or one specific task
    solusvm node <command>      # Node commands
    solusvm reseller <command>  # Reseller commands
    solusvm server <command>    # Server commands
    solusvm version             # Outputs the current program version

    solusvm client authenticate USERNAME NEWPASSWORD     # Verify a clients login. Returns true when the specified login is correct
    solusvm client change-password USERNAME NEWPASSWORD  # Changes the password of an existing client
    solusvm client check-exists USERNAME                 # Checks if a client exists
    solusvm client create                                # Creates a new client
    solusvm client delete USERNAME                       # Deletes an existing client
    solusvm client help [COMMAND]                        # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
    solusvm client list                                  # Lists existing clients

    solusvm general help [COMMAND]  # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
    solusvm general isos TYPE       # Lists existing isos for a given type [openvz|xen|xen hvm|kvm]
    solusvm general plans TYPE      # Lists existing plans for a given type [openvz|xen|xen hvm|kvm]
    solusvm general templates TYPE  # Lists existing templates for a given type [openvz|xen|xen hvm|kvm]

    solusvm node available-ips VSERVERID   # Lists the available ips for a given node
    solusvm node help [COMMAND]            # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
    solusvm node list TYPE                 # Lists existing nodes for a given type [openvz|xen|xen hvm|kvm]
    solusvm node list-ids TYPE             # Lists existing nodes ids for a given type [openvz|xen|xen hvm|kvm]
    solusvm node stats VSERVERID           # Lists statistics for a given node
    solusvm node virtualservers VSERVERID  # Lists the virtual servers for a given node
    solusvm node xenresources VSERVERID    # Lists xen resources for a given node

    solusvm reseller change           # Changes the available resources of a reseller
    solusvm reseller create           # Creates a new reseller
    solusvm reseller delete USERNAME  # Deletes an existing reseller
    solusvm reseller help [COMMAND]   # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
    solusvm reseller info USERNAME    # Retrieves information from an existing reseller
    solusvm reseller list             # Lists existing resellers

    solusvm server addip VSERVERID                            # Adds an ip to the server
    solusvm server boot VSERVERID                             # Boots up a server
    solusvm server change-bootorder VSERVERID BOOTORDER       # Changes the boot order of a server [cd(Hard Disk CDROM)|dc(CDROM Hard Disk)|c(Hard Di...
    solusvm server change-hostname VSERVERID HOSTNAME         # Changes the hostname of a server
    solusvm server change-owner VSERVERID CLIENTID            # Changes the owner of a server
    solusvm server change-plan VSERVERID NEWPLAN              # Changes the plan of a server
    solusvm server change-rootpass VSERVERID NEWPASSWORD      # Changes the root password of a server
    solusvm server change-vncpass VSERVERID NEWPASSWORD       # Changes the vnc password of a server
    solusvm server check-exists VSERVERID                     # Checks if a server exists
    solusvm server console VSERVERID                          # Retrieves console information from a server
    solusvm server create HOSTNAME PASSWORD                   # Creates a new server
    solusvm server help [COMMAND]                             # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
    solusvm server info VSERVERID                             # Retrieves information from a server
    solusvm server info-all VSERVERID                         # Retrieves all availavle information from a server
    solusvm server mountiso VSERVERID ISO                     # Mounts an iso
    solusvm server network-switcher VSERVERID SWITCH(on|off)  # Enable/Disable Network mode
    solusvm server pae-switcher VSERVERID SWITCH(on|off)      # Enable/Disable PAE
    solusvm server reboot VSERVERID                           # Reboots a server
    solusvm server rebuild VSERVERID                          # Rebuilds a server
    solusvm server resume VSERVERID                           # Resumes a server
    solusvm server shutdown VSERVERID                         # Shuts down a server
    solusvm server status VSERVERID                           # Checks the status of a server
    solusvm server suspend VSERVERID                          # Suspends a server
    solusvm server terminate VSERVERID                        # Terminates a server
    solusvm server tun-switcher VSERVERID SWITCH(on|off)      # Enable/Disable TUN/TAP
    solusvm server unmountiso VSERVERID                       # Unmounts an iso
    solusvm server vnc VSERVERID                              # Retrieves vnc information from a server

    -I, --api-login, [--api-login=API_LOGIN]  # API ID. Required.
    -K, --api-key, [--api-key=API_KEY]        # API KEY. Required.
    -U, --api-url, [--api-url=API_URL]        # API URL. Required.

To check the available options for a given action, you can execute the following command:

    solusvm server help create

Default Config for Command Line

The command line utility, solusvm, will look for a config file in ~/.solusvm.yml. You can specify some defaults.

id: api_id
key: api_key
# URL to the API endpoint
# Default client to put servers under
username: bob


To install SolusVM using Bundler:

echo "gem 'solusvm'" >> Gemfile
bundle install

To install SolusVM globally using RubyGems:

gem install solusvm

Upgrading to SolusVM 2

Version 2 of the SolusVM gem uses the JSON API that was introduced in the SolusVM Admin API in version v1.14. If you are using SolusVM software older than v1.14, you will need to stick to an older version of this gem (i.e. v1.4.0).

Version 2 also changes the name of the gem's top-level module -- it is now SolusVM instead of the old Solusvm. Upgrading will require changing this in your code.


SolusVM was originally written by jmazzi for internal use at Additional contributors are listed on GitHub.


SolusVM uses test-unit for tests. To run:

bundle exec rake # Runs all tests
bundle exec ruby -I"lib:test" test/path/test_file.rb

Note on Patches/Pull Requests

  • Fork the project.
  • Add yourself to the Contributors list
  • Make your feature addition or bug fix.
  • Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
  • Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.


Copyright (c) 2010-2014 See LICENSE for details.


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