Library of systematics template for SO likelihood analysis.
Main modules are
: master module with abstract
: zzz-specific extension of systematics template, with zzz beign an SO-derived probe
Currently available:
: collection of templates of systematics for the high-ell likelihood analysis
Currently available abstract classes are
- calibration
- additive systematics template from yaml file
- act on a dictionary of theory Cls
Currently available specific classes are:
- rotation of Cls due to miscalibration of polarization angle
- T-to-E leakage (Planck-based)
To get started, have a look at the notebooks in sysspectra/notebook
Current contributors to syslibrary are: Martina Gerbino, Luca Pagano. Special thanks to FGSpectra contributors (Davide Poletti, Max Abitbol, Zack Li). The first version of syslib was heavily based on fgspectra. Feel free to join: contributors are welcome!
- Python > 3.9
- numpy / scipy
- yaml
- fgspectra
Since we're still putting this together, just install in developer mode for now.
pip install -e .