A porting of the Beamer "Metropolis" theme (https://github.com/matze/mtheme) to Libreoffice Impress. The template tries to provide the same look-and-feel as the Metropolis theme.
A demo can be found here https://github.com/simonecid/MetropolisODP/blob/master/Demo.pdf
- Title slide defined as a master slide
- A dark-themed alternative is available
- Content slides defined as a master slide
- A footer has been added in the content slides
- Stand-out slides (e.g. Back-up) defined as a master slide
- Section separator slides as a master slide
- A dark-themed alternative is available
- Uses Fira Sans font, provided in the repository with an installation script
- Font sizes for outline text from first to ninth level are defined
- Styles for some drawable objects is defined
- Lines
- Arrows
- Shapes
Installing the fonts
- Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/simonecid/MetropolisODP
- Go to directory
cd MetropolisODP
- Install the fonts
source installFiraFont.sh
Installing the template (facultative)
Open Libreoffice Impress
Select File > Templates > Manage
Go to the "Presentations" tab
Select a folder or create a new one, if you prefer
Click import and select MetropolisTemplate.otp
The template can be loaded by using again the same File > Templates > Manage interface and opening the saved template.
Alternatively one can double-click MetropolisTemplate.otp and a new presentation using that template will be created.