I'm Silvia, a PhD student at the Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain . I'm currently working on my doctoral thesis on microbial community assembly at Aguirre de Cárcer's lab
- Programming protocols for automating microbial cultures 🌱
- Analyzing microbial community networks 🕸️
- Identifying and exploring functional core groups in a community 🔎
- Studying pangenomes and metabolic modeling 🧪
- Software development and benchmarking 👩💻
- Studying microbial assembly 🦠
- With people all around the world! 🌎
- 📍Now on a stay at NTNU Trondheim 🇳🇴 (Kjemi 3, Gløshaugen)
- 🗣️ You can talk to me in Spanish, English, Japanese and French. Learning Norwegian
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