Easy management for rarity adventure
Tips appreciated: 0xe03668da90Bd2BE45B43Ca4B84923dB761Ca9D7A
Contracts are untested, use at own risk. I bear no responsibility for the loss of any assets
I am using a proxy implementation to keep up with the pace of game development.
It is always best to deploy your own proxy from the code here.
ERC1967 Proxy deployed at 0xf3630d28E451C63fCFD5eCdEF6fD7c87379911a0
ERC1967 Proxy deployed at 0x17D37847372ce222d5A6f907034537d32168358a
Summoner (Main): 0xce761D788DF608BD21bdd59d6f4B54b2e27F25Bb
Gold: 0x2069B76Afe6b734Fb65D1d099E7ec64ee9CC76B2
Attributes: 0xB5F5AF1087A8DA62A23b08C00C6ec9af21F397a1
Skills: 0x6292f3fB422e393342f257857e744d43b1Ae7e70
Cellar I (Crafting Materials I): 0x2A0F1cB17680161cF255348dDFDeE94ea8Ca196A
Crafting (I): 0xf41270836dF4Db1D28F7fd0935270e3A603e78cC
Skills: 0x2A0F1cB17680161cF255348dDFDeE94ea8Ca196A
Class Skills: 0x83F9D594E327EaFe466fbB2cf050Bf13BeCCB165