This is the cub3D project from the new cursus.
In this project i implemented simple raycasting game engine on C. With simple level editor and basic mechanics.
For rendering, I used the minilibx library.
Main part:
- Raycasting
- Moving
- Textures on walls
- Sprites
Bonus part:
- Wall collisions.
- A skybox.
- Floor and/or ceiling texture.
- An HUD.
- Ability to look up and down.
- Jump or crouch.
- A distance related shadow effect.
- Life bar.
- More items in the maze.
- Object collisions.
- Earning points and/or losing life by picking up objects/traps.
- Doors which can open and close.
- Animations of a gun shot or animated sprite.
- Several levels.
- Sounds and music.
- Rotate the point of view with the mouse.
- Teleports.
Simple Ray casting implementation
Added textures on walls
Added distance related shadow effect and simple animated hand
Added simple and animated sprites
Made the shadows smoother
Added skybox and point bar
Here are some random useful / interesting links: