🌐 "Hello, World!" (super simple, just minimal) examples of doing things in Siler.
My favorite ❤λ
php -S localhost:8000 -t 00-functional
use Siler\Functional as λ; // Just to be cool, don't use non-ASCII identifiers ;)
use Siler\Route;
Route\get('/', λ\puts('Hello, World!'));
The Response\json
function will automatically add Content-type: application/json
in the response headers.
php -S localhost:8000 -t 01-json
use Siler\Route;
use Siler\Http\Response;
Route\get('/', fn() => Response\json(['message' => 'Hello, World!']));
Install peer-dependency:
composer require webonyx/graphql-php
type Query {
hello: String
use Siler\Route;
use Siler\GraphQL;
$type_defs = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/schema.graphql');
$resolvers = [
'Query' => [
'hello' => fn ($root, $args, $context, $info) => 'Hello, World!'
$schema = GraphQL\schema($type_defs, $resolvers);
Route\post('/graphql', fn() => GraphQL\init($schema));
composer require doctrine/annotations
* @\Siler\GraphQL\Annotation\ObjectType()
final class Query
* @\Siler\GraphQL\Annotation\Field()
static public function hello($root, $args, $context, $info): string
return 'Hello, World!';
use Siler\GraphQL;
use Siler\Route;
$schema = GraphQL\annotated([Query::class]);
Route\post('/graphql', fn() => GraphQL\init($schema));
Object type name will be guessed from class name, same for field name, and it's return type (i.e.: PHP string
scalar ===
GraphQL String