An unofficial python library to make Isilon API calls. This library is incomplete, not fully tested, and not supported by EMC. I only plan to fill in the features as I need them. Use at your own risk.
This is a library I created in order to make a copy tool with the goal of learning the API. That said, it does work in my environment and may be useful to others working with the API.
####Tested with:
- OneFS 7.2
- Python 2.7.6
- HTTP Requests 2.5.3
- Automatic Session/Connection management
- Efficient reuse of HTTP connections
- Automatic handling of resume tokens
- Some basic error handling of sessions
- Namespace
- Copies a source directory to a target directory
- Can utilize file cloning (uses SSH connections)
- Uses snaps to create a temporary static source
- Multithreaded
- Intelligently connects to multiple nodes in the cluster
- Applies ACLs to target files
- Can run in verify mode to only compare ACLS
Example: ./ -c -i kcisilon -u root -p a /ifs/data/test /ifs/data/clones/test1
./ --help
usage: [-h] -i URL -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD [-t THREADCOUNT] [-c] [-v]
src dst
Create a copy of a directory
positional arguments:
src source directory, full path starting with /ifs
dst destination directory, full path starting with /ifs
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i URL IP or DNS name of the cluster
-u USERNAME API Username
-p PASSWORD API Password
-t THREADCOUNT Thread Count, default=16
-c Use sparse cloning technology
-v Verify ACLS only, do not copy or clone