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Eric Wieser edited this page May 11, 2023 · 1 revision

Why aren't my matplotlib color bar plots showing up?

Likely you are not using the latest matplotlib. You can find out the version with import matplotlib; matplotlib.__version__ inside Jupyter. To update, try pip install --upgrade --user matplotlib.

Why aren't the image plots showing up in VSCode**?

You may need to do the following:

  • Have the latest (possibly even the preview) jupyter-vscode extension
  • Answer "yes" to the popup that appear in the corner of your screen about downloading additional files.
  • Restart VSCode multiple times after updating these components.

Why isn't %matplotlib widget working**

This requires very recent versions of the notebook and matplotlib packages. If you get an error about ipympl not existing, then you did not follow one of the steps above. Likely, you have found yourself on a system that refuses to be updated (like the DPO computers on windows), and there is nothing you can do. Switching back to %matplotlib nbagg might help.