Stores my solutions to kata problems listed on Codewars
Symbolic differentiation of prefix expressions,
Texas Hold'em Hands, Millionth Fibonacci Kata, Alphabetic Anagrams, Fabergé Easter Eggs crush test,
Decode the Morse Code, advanced, Matrix Determinant, Snail, Maximum subarray sum,
Help your granny!, Josephus Survivor, Number of trailing zeros of N!, Product of consecutive Fib numbers, RGB To Hex Conversion, Move Zero To The End, Lunar Drilling Operation, Perimeter of squares in a rectangle, The Hashtag Generator, Human Readable Time, Last Digit of a Large Number, Coding with Squared String Greed is good
Decode the Morse code, Split Strings, Which are in?, Roman Numerals Encoder, Rainfall, Calculate Pyramid Height, Simple Web Framework #1: Create a basic router, Who likes it?, Take a Ten Minute Walk, Find the odd int, Duplicate Encoder, Array.diff, Are they the "same"?, Playing with passphrases, Digital Root, Bit Counting, Counting Duplicates, Find The Parity Outlier, Persistent Bugger., Unique In Order, Your order, please!, Triboacci Sequence, Find the missing letter, Equal Sides Of An Array, Break camelCase, Convert string to camel case
Complementary DNA, Interlocking Binary Pairs, Vowel Count, Exes and Ohs, Disemvowel Trolls, Eliminate the intruders! Bit manipulation, Jaden Casing Strings, Square every digit, Printer Errors, List Filtering, Regex validate PIN code, Sum of odd numbers, Highest and Lowest, Get the Middle Character, Isograms, Shortest Word, Mumbling, Sum of two lowest positive integers, String ends with?, Beginner Series #3 Sum of Numbers, Credit Card Mask, Friend or Foe?, Binary Addition, Is this a triangle?, Two to One,
Vaporcode, Counting sheep, Lario and Muigi Pipe Problem, Century From Year, Convert a Number to a String!, Return Negative, Sum of Positive, Keep Hydrated!, Convert Number to Reversed Array of Digits,